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The Devil's Advocate

Discussion in 'Parents & Siblings' started by satchitananda, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    [JUSTIFY]A few discussions going around and some random stuff I have been reading has made me scratch my brains for a bit. "Why"? is one question that pops up in my head. I have always spoken from the this side of the table and believe me, my place is where it has always been - this very side of the table. Today, however, I am trying to look at the situation from the side of the 'opponents' if you'd like to call them that.

    I am talking about the social set up in our country - yes, the domestic one. The product of the 'great patriarchy'. A large number of women agree that there is a lot that requires to change, but I wonder if anyone knows where to break the chain. Who is responsible for things being the way they are?

    The mother? Why does she bring her sons up to believe that they are God's gift to humankind? Why are they special, more special than their sisters? Why are they more privileged than them? Why does the mother refuse to untie the apron strings once the son is married? Didn't she face the same problems as a young woman when she entered her ILs' place?

    One of my friends who studied with me went through the usual issues at her IL's place. She has a son. She once told me that he was the only one in that home who she could call her own, the only one she could relate with, the only ally. A chill ran down my spine as I wondered what this kind of emotional dependence would do when he eventually got married. I know her son is married, I know they don't live together, all seems fine on the face of it. Hopefully this is a happy situation, but I can easily understand the other side, were it not to be so. Were things to be different, I would not find it difficult to see things from her point of view (as a dil who had a tough time and a mother who only related to her child). She is also the victim of patriarchy.

    Looking at things from the other side, it is not difficult to see why some women tend to nurture sons over daughters. Patriarchy has ensured that the daughter would leave the home and the sons would stay and take over the reigns some day. Is it not advantageous for those women to reinforce their position in the home by making the son emotionally tied to them? Would they not benefit by making him abjectly obedient? Certainly not a nice thing to think of any woman, but they are just human. For the first time after being victims, they would be in a place of power. Why would they reject it?

    What about the men? Why don't the change? Two reasons. The first one being, why would they? Why would anyone give up what was convenient and tailormade to suit them, unless God had endowed them with a king size Social Conscience and sense of justice? Secondly, assuming they did want to change, are they above human weaknesses that they can easily overcome any emotional blackmail from their family of origin? (I don't need to reinforce the fact that parents are especially adept at this skill). Rights and wrongs are such subjective words.

    Why don't the young women change? Why do they agree to get married despite knowing the possibilities that lie in wait for them? Reason 1: Desire or need to get married. How many would want to be alone for the rest of their lives? Reason 2: They don't want to get married, but emotional blackmail from parents, peer pressure and the like. Reason 3: No option in individual situations. Reason 4: The belief that "not all marriages or men are 'like that' ".

    Look at it whichever way, each individual - the mil, the son and the dil are all in a Catch 22 situation of their own.

    It needs one to have a strong sense of right and wrong, a vociferous conscience and the strength of courage to stand up and do what is right. The very first condition - right and wrong - are subjective terms. Secondly, the desire to change society and necessarily start with oneself presupposes a great deal of social responsibility. How many of us are?

    So where do we find ourselves? Where we started out again.[/JUSTIFY/
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  2. viki123

    viki123 Silver IL'ite

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    Yes, there a lot that needs to change. But I would like to add my comments
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  3. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    It is certainly good to know that you and your siblings were not put under any kind of pressure by your parents. Those are the kind of parents that would help usher in a change. As for getting married because you wanted to, that is but natural and that is what I am trying to point out. Each one has his or her own reasons to do what they do, but unless we take the onus on ourselves to make a change, it is hard to imagine anything changing ever. In this case, your aunt found her own solution by marrying someone who was not going to come into marriage with all these issues. Good for her.
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  4. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Satchi

    A very good discussion topic. Thanks for posting here.

    There are so much social reasons attached to this situation. Women are always the victims of patriarchal societies. Either we are victimized as wives, DILs, daughters or some day our daughters are gonna be victimized the same.
    Men have no problems as long as they enjoy what society gifted to them.

    The slaves need to fight for freedom, not the owners. That is the reality.
    The suppressed society fights for the freedom, not the dictators.

    If you do not want your daughter to be suppressed because of her gender, then raise her without any gender bias.
    By doing this, you can raise a perfect and matured man with clear understanding about his female counterpart. As well, a balanced woman with a clear knowledge about her rights.
    These two siblings (of each gender) will then create a generation with such good qualities. That is how social change happens.
    The one who wants the change should break the chain which is under their control. Do not expect someone else will fight for you to break the rules.

    I would like to explain something called Gender box- which I read in this IL forum long back and went on for a deep google search to learn more.

    What is gender box?

    The box of thought patterns that every men and women think about their gender. The society believes a man should go to work
    A man should be the bread winner
    A man should not cry
    A man should have some power and control of his family
    A man should be brave
    A man should be masculine

    And they also believe
    A woman should have feminine qualities such as fear, madness, shyness, aversion to other men
    A woman should cook
    A woman should bear kids
    A woman should marry at the right age
    A woman should respect her husband
    A woman should treat her in laws like parents
    A woman shouldn't have studied or earn more than her husband

    These are social norms. When someone go out of this gender box, we fail to recognize them as real man or woman.

    Imagine a man with all soft qualities such as loving, respecting wife, caring, cooking, respecting in laws, no controlling, no power issue, crying, not always brave etc..etc.... We have a different name for them. Some call them no 09. Their masculinity is challenged. It is a big Ego issue to any man. No one wants to be a good man, but a right man as per their social standards.

    Same applies to women. The brave one, never cried, never cooked but career oriented, straight forward etc..etc... women are always challenged as less feminine. No one appreciate such women in marriage market either. Thus, women too were raised with soft qualities by their parents to avoid such bad labeling.

    It is not the fault of someone, but everyone who lack the understanding.
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  5. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Just the other day I heard a mother say her daughter was a tomboy; even her male cousins were quieter. Here is a typical example of the gender box. A little girl who shouts, screams, jumps around, plays rough, wears shorts and tees has to be a 'tomboy'. She is not a girl - at least not one who is the way girls 'should' be.

    Perfectly put. So we know where the battle for rights has to start.
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  6. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    My daughters make poop and fart jokes and my husband says"never thought daughters would make such jokes":-(
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  7. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    I think most of the problems originate from the joint family system and joint family thinking.
    If husbands knew they would be living and facing their wives later in life alone...they would treat the wives better.

    If mil's knew dil's would never live with them and serve them....they would have lesser expectations.

    If mothers knew that both daughter and son will move out and both will help out if in need...she would treat them both same and not tie the boy to her pallu.

    If dil's were allowed a life of their own, they would be less bitter and help out the in laws(along with their own parents) later in life happily.

    I think the JF system encourages patriarchy and the evils that come with it. The solution is to plan retirement of parents and live independently. May sound cruel to the old parents ,but the other system is unfair to the younger generation. Find a middle ground that is right for everyone...like live close by in nuclear families with nuclear family mentality.
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  8. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    The society, the Gender box, the joint family system... What else?

    I feel the financial and physical dependency state of women needs a change.

    I know women do a lot of work at home as a mother and wife. But that alone does not make them fully independent. A man also has a role as a dad and husband. But in addition to that he has a self dependent state with a salary package.
    This is what gives him the power over his family.

    There are so many women who enjoy the dependency state with lot of respect. In fact they are blessed with reasonable spouse. Some feminist argue that working or not working should be a woman's choice and house wives are no less than working people.

    Whatsoever, I believe self dependency, that too financial independence make a women more precious in her circle.

    A mother would treat her DD equally as her son if she knows her DD will be able to help her the same as her son would in the future. This would enable the mother to treat her DD with the same respect and love equally to her son.

    A MIL will be less interfering and less insecure about her son's marriage if she is sure about her daughter's independence state to look after herself, her marriage as well as her parents if necessary.

    If girl and boy children could do just the same, then discrimination would come to an end at home level.

    A stay at home woman - however she is loved or respected by her spouse- will be a dependent to her husband when it comes to helping out her parents in need. Perhaps she and her husband consider their interdependence positively, but that is not the case for the dependent wife's parents when they are in need of help.
    Parents feel much secure when their children are capable of helping than their children's spouses - however good they are.
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  9. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Yellowmango,

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  10. CrayoNess

    CrayoNess Platinum IL'ite

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    The joint family kind of create the tight dependency between the generations as the parents have the assumption that their children (ie son) will take care of their needs and support them financially. The parents will be in charge (decisions, finances) for the adult children and that will kind of delay development (breaking gender roles) as the younger generation not able to live independently.
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