Editor’s Note: Does your partner want to videotape your baby’s birth? Will it be the right thing to do? See what our IL members had to say and do share your thoughts with us here.

Here are some thoughts on getting your child’s birthing process videotaped assuming that the hospital where you will be having your delivery, video-taping is allowed.


  • Seeing it with your partner in the future might help you to bond with him better just by re-living the moments
  • Filming the process as he encourages you to keep pushing might be a way of getting the baby out with lesser pain.
  • Instead of making your partner hold the camera (which might make you feel more conscious) set it up on a tripod and enjoy begin filmed together.


  • The labour pains might make you so scared that you might not want it. In that case let your husband know instead of shying away from telling him
  • The birthing process is a very personal thing and keeping a video of it, which someone else can chance upon, might not be such a great idea.
  • You might not be too keen to look at yourself in such a state at  later date.
  • Your husband might feel squeamish at the sigh of so much of blood and might back out.
  • While you scream in pain, your husband talking into the recorder or even making comments might not seem like a very good idea to you.
  • It might not be a great idea if you are going to be having a caesarean.

Childbirth is a beautiful process but can become a little yucky too. Talk about the pros and cons and also find out hospital rules before taking a decision.

Contributors:sahanaTx, Vandhana , Selvi, Chilbuli Imli