Are you a housewife, with children and never worked before but would like to earn a bit of money? Are you are a mother who was working, but think working full time is too tiring now that you have a family? Working part time from home can be very lucrative. Now that your children are off to school, work from home is a great idea for you. 

If you are answering yes, to any of the questions, then the ten tips are for you.

1- Decide On Your Profession

Just because you have decided to work from home does not mean that you will be happy doing anything to earn money. Even employers, for work-from-home jobs, want to employ professionals, or at the very least, ones who can accept the rules of a professional work atmosphere. So decide on your profession, and read about it before you start your search. If you will be working for the first time, choose a profession based on your interest, your strengths, and your educational qualifications.

2- Create A Resume or CV

It’s as important to create decent resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) for a part-time, flexitime, or a work-from-home job, as it is for a full time work position. Highlight your education, work experience (if any), and your best work examples till date, and yes, adding your personal details like address, phone, and email ids never went out of fashion. If you have stayed out of touch with work situations, or have never worked, get help from someone who is working now, or a professional resume writer. Resumes also have styles and formats. If you are searching for a job after a break, check the Internet for latest formats in making a resume. A smart resume will be your calling card. Post a resume on online job sites too, for greater visibility.

3- Build A Portfolio

Whatever be your line of work, you must build a portfolio to impress your employers. So if you are interested in becoming a content writer, write blogs and articles, which you can forward to your employers, as samples from your portfolios; designers can keep copies of the designs; and others can collect recommendations from people who have seen and appreciated your work or hobbies. If it’s a recommendation, make sure you are not related to the person, and the recommendation is unbiased. An ex-colleague or employer will be a good place to start.

4- Get Internet Savvy

Internet is a great place for first-time workers, searching for work-from-home options. So get yourself in front of the computer, and get into the nitty-gritty of finding your way though the World Wide Web. Make sure you spend at least an hour a day surfing the Internet for jobs, gathering information regarding your profession, and checking emails. Most work-from-home will require you to be comfortable with a computer keyboard and Internet search skills. So be prepared.

5- Brush Your Public Relation (PR) Skills

If you are a housewife, it’s time now to brush your conversation and social skills. Even if you are aiming to find that job that can be done from home, you will still need to go for the interview, visit a few people who may be your clients, or have telephonic conversations with your colleagues, and superiors. Picking up the right social skills can be an asset, so go ahead do a course on public relations, or conversational English, if you feel that will add a boost to your image.

6- Learn Managing Your Time

Working from home will be taxing your time management skills to the maximum. So get yourself in your organising mode, and give yourself a time of the day, every day of your work week, practising your skills sets, or browsing the Internet, so that finally when you get an assignment, you are ready to tackle it immediately.

7- Build A Network And Stay In Touch

Make a list of people who are likely to give you work, or help with your profession, or even can exchange information with you, and stay in touch with them, without being too obvious about it. Meet new people and exchange ideas, which will broaden your horizon. Interacting on social media platforms, like blogs, Facebook, Twitter, also can be a good way to stay in touch.

8-Stay Abreast In Your Field

Read more on the latest happenings in your field of work, as well as keep brushing up whatever you have learnt earlier. Take a course to understand new procedures in your profession, and buy books and magazines to read up on the subject.

9- Work Out  A Payment Plan

Work from home pays are notoriously low for a fresher, so be ready to work for low pay until you find something better. Payment will improve with years of experience. If you are to be paid by the hour, ask a few people around for an ongoing market rate.

10- Be Patient

It’s not easy to get a work-from-home job, where employers are few, and job seekers more. Be patient and work towards your goal. Keep sending applications to prospective employers, and keep checking job sites for work opportunities.