How do you ensure quality standards in your organization?

That’s something you have to constantly work on. It is the most important thing. As a leader you need to keep refocusing and repeating efforts. You have to constantly keep correcting, talk to your team, so that they know what your expectations are. I just try and see that I constantly bring this foremost in their minds.

What has been your motivating/driving force all these years that keeps you going?

I would say that ‘I just do what I do and I don’t overdo what I do’. I don’t put my fingers in too many things. I have learned to say ‘No’. I spend my time doing things that I really enjoy doing, I think this has helped me in not getting caught up in other things.

What do you like to do in your leisure time?

I love to attend spiritual courses for my own self improvement, because through these courses I get to touch the most important thing, which is knowing and improving oneself. I like to read books on philosophy, self growth etc. I like to spend time with my children, watch television, and travel with my husband.

What will be the few tips that you would like to give to our women readers, who want to become an entrepreneur?

Firstly you should be very passionate about what you do .You should feel strong about what you want to do and you should not be unsure of yourself.

Any business you do, very few women are lucky to get a very smooth journey from the very beginning and there will be times when you have to go through difficult times and challenges.

If you don’t have faith in what you are doing, then it’s very easy to lose heart. If you are really passionate about what you are doing then you should just do it.

Don’t let it go without giving it a shot. You should have knowledge about what you do before you begin and create a team where you think you are weak. Take help whenever you need.

Thank you, Ms. Deepika Jindal, for taking out time for our community members. Team Indusladies takes this opportunity to wish you a huge success.