
Play Holi only with a group of close friends and relatives as against strangers. 

Use only powdered colour and water. 

Keep a big bucket of water handy for your children, so that they do not resort to gutter water and other unclean sources. 

Roll your windows up while driving your car. 

Be available at one venue throughout Holi, especially if you want to avoid rowdy Holi revelers. 

Always take some moments off to know the cultural significance of Holi. It is a festival of colour, a harbinger of the Spring season, and not a dirty game.

Wear full-sleeved t-shirt or shirts that cover your arms fully. Socks will be a good idea too. 

Always put some amount of oil on your head and body. Apply thick coating of paint on your nails- both in fingers and toes so that they remain protected. 

Granted that it is almost impossible to save you face from attack of colors, so while being attacked, keep eyes and lips tightly closed or one can apply good amount of oily body lotion or oil to the body so that it does not become dry after taking bath this procedure will help you to wash off colors easily later on. 

Tips for going out on the Holi Day

Use a hat, cap or anything like that to protect your hair from being colored with hard-to-rinse dyes.

If you like to play Holi use dental caps to save your teeth from any unwarranted stains.

Use a sunglass to protect your eyes from a misfire of color filled darts or water jets.

Put on your worst gears so that you won’t have to take on the hassles of an immediate washing. Rags like tattered denims, and all bright colored shades like black, blue, green, purple are highly recommended.

Try to save yourself off from all possible attacks on the face. In case your such attempts fail, keep your eyes and lips tightly shut if you are attacked on your face.

Keep the car windows thoroughly shut, even if you don’t have an AC car.

Do not bump into the frenzied group of mob if you take to streets. Better you cross the road to the sidewalk across. Or, simply stay at a safe distance.