It pays to build a circle of caring people around you. People who will be your friend, people who share a common interest with you, and people who can later on become your support system in case of a crisis.

Here’s how we can build this support system around us.

Stay in Touch

If you are moving to a new city or country, it’s always better to stay in touch with your friends and relatives over there, even before you make the big move. Today, in the age of social networking, it’s possible to revive friendships at a click of a mouse. So activate that Facebook account of yours and stay in touch with family and friends if you know you are moving soon. You never know when you’ll need their support in a new place.

Listen More

Don’t be overwhelmed by the happy pictures your friends are posting on the Internet. No one lives a life without disappointments and sadness. Every joy is bordered by sadness, and every cloud has a silver lining. So keep your ears open. Your friend may be in need of you, but she may not be asking.

For example; if friend says she is getting hurt pretty regularly she may be in an abusive relationship and needs support. 

Offer Help

Offer your friend help, if you see her in trouble. When was the last time we did that? Have you ever wondered how conveniently we brush off our responsibilities towards our friends and families saying it’s not our business? You need not press your advice on someone unwilling, but just letting your friend know that you are there to help her out, will offer support to her. Go ahead, tell her that.

Accept Help

Are you in an abusive relationship? Do you think that your in-laws don’t understand you, and your husband doesn’t support you? Are you at a loss of how to deal with the budding romance of your teenage son? Well, what about talking it out with your close friend? Go ahead, take the step, and confide in your friend, and you’ll be surprised how that will help you think clearly, and find a solution to the problem at hand.

Friendship in adults is a leap of faith, and we all must trust our closest friends, and make that jump of sharing our thoughts. Yes, many a times we trust wrong people, but even learning that is important.

Trusting the right person with your problems can be very good to your emotional health. So get in touch with your friend right now. Accept her help, it will not make you any less capable person.

Stay Committed

Yes, once you have formed a trusted social support group of people, stay committed towards offering your help. No crisis comes with indicators of its onset. The only way to deal with the sudden predicament is, may be, to keep calm and offer help. So even if your support group has no emergency to deal with, keep meeting each other, and keep the warmth intact. When emergency will knock your doors, you’ll know exactly how to help each other out.