Pregnancy is a trying time for women and our bodies need to adjust to the rapid changes taking place within. Therefore, getting ample rest during this period is as important as staying active.

Here are some pointers for getting a good sleep for moms to be:

Sleep Guidelines in First Trimester

Your body’s just waking up to the fact that there’s a new being growing inside you.  So while it adjusts to this new change, you will find yourself feeling tired and cranky. Your body is forming a new organ, the placenta, that will demand more blood to be supplied to the foetus, in turn, making your heart work harder.

If you’re working, make sure you steal at least 1/2 an hour away from your work to just put your head down and relax. Look for a quiet place like an empty conference room if possible. If you’re at home, try and take a power nap of one hour whenever you get the chance.

Sleep Guidelines in Second Trimester

This is considered the best period of your pregnancy, as you will be over the nausea and fatigue, and will start putting on weight. Getting adequate sleep at night will not be difficult. Just remember to keep your legs up when you can.

If you’re planning a ‘babymoon’, plan a relaxing holiday, rather than an adventurous trip. Don’t tire yourself out, and try and take a break after every interval.

At night, keeping a pillow between your legs and one behind your back will help you feel comfortable. Sleep on your sides, preferably the left. Don’t sleep on your back as it hinders blood supply to the baby.

Sleep Guidelines in Third Trimester

This is final phase of your pregnancy and this is also when your bump will be well on display!

As the baby gains weight during this time, you may experience leg cramps, as they have to work harder to support your growing body. It is important to keep your legs up, wear comfortable slippers while walking and try and lie down, whenever possible.

Sleeping on your left side is usually recommended as it helps the baby get into position for a normal delivery.

Never sleep on your back as it is sure to give you a bad backache. Ask your husband to massage your lower back and legs at night to help you relax.

Sleeping in the last trimester can be tricky as you will be making frequent trips to the washroom during the night. Try and cover up for lost sleep during the day, by taking power naps every now and then.

Besides your growing belly won’t make things easier so prop yourself with pillows while sleeping.

Give your body as much rest as possible during this time. After all, you will have to give it up soon, when the little one arrives!