Certain foods aids sleep. For example the amino acid L-tryptophan in warm milk releases a chemical called serotonin in the brain which makes the eyelids heavy and thus induces sleep.

If you wake up feeling nauseatic then it is good to keep a bland snack like a cracker handy. This will immediately reduce the sensation and will help you to get back to sleep.

Sleep Position

The tender breasts and the growing stomach might make it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position at night. Sleep on one side and use a lot of pillows to support your back and your stomach.


Take a warm relaxing bath before bed time. Using a few drops of lavender oil in the bath is safe. Massages also help to induce sleep.

Just follow these simple tips to improve your sleep when you are pregnant. However avoid taking any drugs that relieves one of insomnia. Such drugs, when they reach the foetus, can be harmful for it. 

How did you get better sleep while you were pregnant. Share your tips with us here.

Wondering what causes sleeplessness during pregnancy? Read more about it in our article here.