
  • After consultation with your doctor, begin taking the right dose of multivitamin with 400 micrograms of folic acid daily. The right amount of folic acid helps to prevent neural tube defects
  • Also don’t take any herbal medicines or supplements even if they sound good without it having been approved by your doctor


  • Remain active during your pregnancy unless your doctor has advised you against it. This is because obese people usually have a high probability of developing gestational diabetes which exercise will prevent.
  • Also keeping your body active will keep you healthy and also help in a little easier and a less complicated birth.

 Healthy Diet

  • Eat healthy food and especially those rich in folic acid. These include green vegetables, breakfast cereals, citrus fruits, liver etc.
  • If you are eating meat make sure it is fully cooked as under cooked meat can cause infections that lead to birth defects.
  • Some fish have high mercury content. So consult your doctor before its consumption.
  • Make sure that you are eating at least 4 servings of calcium-rich foods every day. This will keep your bones healthy as the baby develops.
  • Refrain from consumption of caffeine and alcohol and stay away from both active and passive smoking.