Massage helps

  1. Massage your baby’s stomach with avocado or sandalwood oil in the clockwise direction.
  2. Lay your child on her back, and then holding her lower legs, bend it towards her chest. Do this five to six times.

Tips for the Mother

If you are breast feeding your child, then there are certain changes you need to make in your diet too in order to relieve your baby of constipation. These are –

  1. Drink a lot of mineral water and juices of apples and grapes.
  2. Substitute white bread, biscuits and cakes, with brown bread, brown rice and muesli.
  3. Eat vegetables like white pumpkin, bitter gourd, cucumber etc.
  4. Every night drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of honey.
  5. Boil some figs and drink that water before feeding.
  6. Soak a few grapes in warm milk for a few hours and then have it.
  7. Drink the juice of a bael (stone apple) fruit an hour before feeding your little one.
  8. Apply slight castor oil to your nipples before feeding. The mixture of the mother’s milk and castor oil is a very effective constipation remedy.