f you have enough breast milk, avoid giving formula milk or cow’s milk to your baby, until she turns one year. I know there are many people who give cow’s milk in the early months. It is good, but actually, the animal fat is very difficult to digest in the human body, so it can cause allergies or even loose motions. In some children, the cow’s milk will cause mucus formation. 

It is better to avoid bakery items and other junk foods in that period. I know that after three or four years, it is not very easy to keep the child away from such temptations. However, you can teach them to eat high quality food items. In other words, it is your duty to give them proper knowledge about good eating habits. Sprouts, boiled vegetables, dried fruits and other homemade items should be plentifully included in their diet. If they get enough nutrition in the early years, it will reflect well in their health, intelligence, and even in their behavior!

From my experience, I can say that these tips will be very helpful for all. If you wish for a healthy child, feed your little one responsibly and be a good mother to your brilliant son or daughter.