Imagine having your name etched on the door to a store! Read on to know what it takes to run your own little boutique.

No matter how often women try to be different from each other there are still several aspects that bind women the world over together. For starters, tips on fashion and on how to look one’s best is a common topic of discussion, research and endeavour for women across genres, ages, groups, cultures.

They often say that this is one of the most important things that set women and men apart. It takes a women’s courage and gumption to hunt through cities, stores, hours and piles of clothes to find what they deem ‘the perfect’ dress.

That’s probably why being a woman and managing or starting a boutique of your own is probably the best business idea. Not only are women naturals when it comes to picking clothing and accessories, they have a keen sense of fashion built in ever since they are born.

So if you are a woman and love fashion, clothes, accessories – the works, then think about setting up your own little boutique.

Commit Yourself

The basic point to remember when venturing into a business of any sort, whether it’s starting a boutique or bakery is your interest. If you are going to be heading a company/store – you have to be interested and committed to your cause.

Let’s take the example of boutiques. When someone decides to start a boutique – their interest in fashion and clothing and modern day attire plays an important part. Post all that, the real issues like location, suppliers, self-made clothes, payments come into play.

Starting a Boutique


In metros like Bombay and Delhi, renting a place can mean that you might need to take a loan first for the simple reason that rents are high. However, if you or someone in your family has a small garage sized room anywhere, it could be a start for you (saving on rent for a new setup is always a blessing).

When one thinks of starting a boutique, you need to draw up your plan, starting with the location. And it’s needless to say; the location of your boutique would matter on what kind of clothes you decide to sell there. If you wish to sell traditional wear, then it would be best to set up the boutique in a part of town where middle aged people live.