
This style of yoga is also known as power yoga and is a very strenuous form of yoga. The poses are dynamic and intense and the rapid flow of movement creates intense heat to purge out the toxins in the body.

As you may have guessed it is most preferred by athletes or people who love intense, physically demanding exercises. It focuses on eight limbs and helps build strength. Ashtanga Yoga is also believed to help you get in touch with your spiritual self.


Also known as hot yoga this style of yoga is very intense and focused. Developed by Bikram Choudhary, the hot yoga does not use any props and uses yoga studios heated at 95 to 105 degrees of temperature.  The heat allows loosening of muscles and sweating of the body.

Beginners interested in focused and disciplined classes, and a craving for action can go for Bikram yoga.

So choose the appropriate style of yoga school depending on your goals, physical lifestyle and your temperament. You are more likely to stick to yoga class if you understand what the yoga style offers.