Many may argue that they are not interested in a professional career. But if you enjoy dancing, why not join a class and learn different styles? You don’t have to want to be a choreographer to learn dances. Do it for that high, do it for the freedom to dance gracefully in the house, do it to teach it and dance with your kids, do it because it simply makes you happy!

Hema Shah, a homemaker, said, ‘I love making murals! I don’t need to go out and sell them to feel good. Just seeing my son hanging it on my living room wall for display is reward enough.’

Also, if your talent does result in a profession, what’s wrong? It will give you that sense of achievement and that special pride which accompanies personal success. As Kinjal puts it, ‘I see my articles in print and what a feeling that is! I know I exist beyond my duties.’

So Don’t Let Go of your Talent

There are many relations that define us and we have various roles in everyone’s life. We cherish them and love being in those roles. But there are a few things that define only us as individuals, things that spell only our name, our poem, our painting, our blog, our dish, our guitar. We mustn’t let go of those things because they are what make us, they are a part of our personality, and that’s not something we should give up.