Breastfeed: Research studies confirm that exclusive breastfeeding show greater loss in fat as well as a reduction in hip and thigh circumference. Crash diets and other rapid weight loss techniques can present several problems for nursing mothers. Diet that strips away nutrition is harmful for your body, which is yet to recover from childbirth. It is also dangerous for the baby since it depends on the kind of nutrition that you get.

Keep Moving: Diet and exercise are two important essentials for post-pregnancy weight loss. You don’t have to go to gym to get back in shape. Brisk walking, walking up and down the stairs, jogging, cycling, swimming are some easy ways to lose calories. You must aim to get at least 150 minutes a week of exercise. With a new baby, finding 30 minutes a day will be a challenge. Start with 15-20 minutes and increase the time gradually. Carrying a baby around all the day itself is a good workout. You may feel frustrated taking out time with such a hectic schedule. Nevertheless, remember that exercises not only help you lose the flab but also prevent depression, sleeplessness and is a great stress reliever.

Sleep: Yes, it is understandable that getting prolonged and peaceful sleep may not be in the radar with a newborn. However, sleep deprivation can also lead to weight gain. In addition, an overworked body without much sleep can make you feel exhausted and stressed. You may not feel like taking care of yourself. Lack of sleep can make you overeat, choose less healthy food and procrastinate any physical activity. Make small adjustments to your lifestyle such as sleeping when your baby sleeps is certainly good for new moms! Take a number of naps during the day, which will help you feel refreshed to tackle the rest of the day.

Support: Discuss and ask for help if required. Family members and friends can chip in while you can sneak is sometime to get back to your original self.

Happy Mommyhood!