At one point my family members thought I have had enough quack treatments and advices and forced me to meet an orthopedist. I went to him filled with trepidations about endless tests and heavy expenses. But he calmed me with gentle words that I can easily put off my pain for 10 years by physiotherapy. He gave me medicines for 5 days to alleviate the pain and after that I was to start physiotherapy which was 3 simple steps of exercise.

Furthermore, he advised me not to lift heavy weights, not to climb stairs often and not to travel long distances by train or bus in the sitting position for some time. As a general advice he asked me to avoid tubers in my menu in order to lessen the chances of putting on weight.

Worried as I had been about drastic treatments and expenses the doctor’s words brought immense relief. Yet I was full of disbelief of the simple exercises relieving me of my pain.

I started, however, doing my exercises very conscientiously. I was even sad at not finding much relief after a few days of continuing the physiotherapy. Still, I persevered with complete faith and trust and was surprised after a few weeks to find pain in one heel gone first and the other also next. I just could not believe it!

This is the simple exercise which regulated the blood circulation, activated the muscles and relieved the pain:

  1. sit on a chair with your feet resting on the floor;
  2. turn the toes on both the feet inward and back for 20 times;
  3. next tap the floor with the front part of the feet 20 times, raising and lowering them;
  4. next fix the front of feet on the floor and raise and lower the heels for 20 times.

These 3 exercises must be done in the morning and evening. Besides these 2 times it may done as many times as possible in the intervening time.

It is my desire to share my experience, the secret of a simple therapy with all those suffering with heel pain.

May my ailing sisters be blessed with the same relief I found!