How to Cope Backache

Rest: Take lots of rest during the six weeks after surgery. Doctors advise not to lift anything heavier than your baby for this time. Strictly avoid activities that require you to stretch, twist, bend and climb stairs.

Massages: Regular massages during the first few weeks provide relief from back pain and other exhaustion of childbirth.

Posture: Always sit and stand upright.  While breastfeeding, don’t strain your back by bending over the baby. Instead bring baby towards you; place feeding pillow under your baby for support.

Home Care: One of the best home remedies is application of alternating packs of heat and cold compresses for 15-20 minutes. Try the popular electric heating belts available at chemist stores. It soothes the nerves and provides relief.

Alternately, you might also consider taking a warm aromatherapy bath, Soak for sometime in warm water mixed with two cups Epsom salt, two drops of lavender oil and one drop of chamomile oil.

Exercise is a solution to most of our lifestyle problems. Of course you’ll first need the green signal from your doctor before starting with even walking, which is the best and gentlest form of exercise to combat back pain.

Do light stretching exercises and simple yoga poses like shavasana, tadasana, shalabhasana and fish pose.  After a few weeks, you may also consider specific exercises for back pain like Pilates and swimming. Light exercises help to tone and strengthen the abdominal and pelvic muscles.


If the pain is severe, you need to consult your doctor. Most of the time, taking recommended doses of Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen helps relieve back pain.