• You can prepare decoctions at home to make periods regular. In a glass of water add one spoon of cumin seeds, and same amount of sesame seeds. Add a bit of jaggery and boil it. When the water becomes half the amount, filter it, and drink it. Similarly you can soak fennel or coriander seeds in glass of water, boil it to half its volume, and drink it.
  • Juices of Aloe Vera, sugarcane, and beetroot can help periods to start early.  Start drinking these juices a week before periods’ due date, for effective results.
  • For early contractions of the uterus, drink parsley and ginger tea, two to three times daily.
  • Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight, and drink the water in the morning. This makes irregular periods become regular.
  • Anjeera or fig roots are also good. They need to be boiled and the liquid filtered before consuming, to make the cycle regular.
  • Practicing Kapalbhati Pranayam for 20 minutes twice a day, will help regularize menstrual cycle. It also helps in curing general reproductive disorders.
  • In Ayurveda, for menstrual problems, a concoction of Asokaristam is suggested twice a day, for three months. Before trying this out, it is best to take advice of a doctor.
  • Vitamin C helps in early periods, as it brings down the walls of uterus. So consumption of gooseberries for vitamin C can bring on early periods.  

Always visit a gynecologist before adapting these changes. PCOS and fibroids in the uterus are serious reproductive problems that need doctor’s intervention. Changes in lifestyle, losing weight, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, and limiting intake of processed food can also make a big difference to recurrent menstrual problems.