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As you sow, so you reap!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, May 3, 2013.

  1. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    [JUSTIFY]The windows in the house are open! It is just a lovely feeling to wake up to the very early morning sun, to the chirp chirp chirping of the birds, to the fresh air breezing through the house carrying the lovely smell of the lilacs that are just in bloom, the gentle bells of the wind chimes, to see the flowers making beds of white wherever they fall. I love watching the rising sun, the baby green of the trees that have just begun to show leaves, the early morning dew drops on the grass, the birds flying from tree to tree collecting twigs, in a hurry to build that nest, selecting a spot, the squirrels out and about, running wild and not to speak of the bunnies that are hopping around, nibbling their way through what is beginning to sprout!

    Now tell me, who is not put in a happy mood with life coming to spring so beautifully all around them! This weather is motivation enough for me to move things around the house much to the annoyed yet surprised look of my family, banging into things they are not used to having in that new spot! I cannot understand them or their difficulty in not seeing the changes. I am more confused especially with their confused looks when I am so much in tune with the world around me, in tune with the change! Oh well, the family will get used to me, eventually may be!

    So, coming back to the moving of things around, a few days ago, I noticed to my horror that my money plant which is at least 14 years old is suddenly turning yellow and I am loosing about 10 leaves a day! And no, that is one spot I do not touch, the plant simply does not move! So I am surprised and am not able to understand. I hear you, no I am not expecting it to live to a hundred. Okay, I am lying. I do expect the plant to live that long, may be longer! I speak to the plant, I chide the plant, take the yellow leaves off every day with love, water it and stare at it. Now, you will nod your head in agreement if I said there is a reason why my DH refuses to buy me a dog! I know I may be cuckoo but you know what, the plant heard me. Yes, after a couple of days of rapid loss, it stabilized. I breathed a sigh and set my sights on the out side cleaning and moving job - there is stuff to move around there too, trust me on this one. Then there is that vegetable bed that has been staring at me begging me to rid it of weeds. And then there is my DD who gets easily influenced with the smile on my face, has been passionately sowing seeds in the house to grow some vegetables, thanks to some help from school as well! Now who knew those plants would be little saplings crying to be moved to the ground, in the patch!

    At the end of two hours of back breaking work with parched lips wanting some water yet not willing to take a break, looking at the weeds pulled out and the ones to be pulled still, reminding myself of the hard labour that the farmers put to get that produce to our door, I read this (shared by an Ilite long ago) sign that is hanging in my yard - "They say talk to your plants for it will help them grow. But who has been talking to my weeds? That is what I would like to know." I know my money plant just showed that talking helps. But seriously, who ever that is talking to my weeds has got to stop the madness! My frown eases up as I hear my DD come with "Mom, here I thought you could use this" with a bottle of cold water to drink! I tear up at her thoughtfulness and sensitivity! She has been busy watching her favorite episode on TV but peeps in with this when there is a break for advertisements! I pick her up, show her a nest in the bird house we have way back in the yard and she listens in as the babies go chirp chirp and is happy to have brought me the water, watching my face.

    I bring my attention back to the vegetable patch as I set her down, and I look at two huge piles of pulled weeds again! I am reminded of the phrase, "As you sow, so you reap!" Hey wait a minute, I did not sow anything for the last two years and as I see it, if you don't sow, no reaping but so much of weeding! Isn't it better to sow something and get something than just this back breaking work? My mind wants to veer off more towards the philosophy of this saying, it wants to explore the karma concept more in detail. But then my aching body wins this time asking my mind to just keep quiet, just this once! With that thought and with renewed energy, I finish planting the vegetables! Now all I have to do is wait to reap the benefits of my labour, to look forward to the smile on the kids' faces, mine as well as all the neighbors' who think my yard is theirs, as we see the vegetables later on![/JUSTIFY]
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  2. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Sabita dear you know I never like tomiss the first fb, so reserving this
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  3. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Of course aunty, of course! Will look forward to read a feedback from you after I wake up! Off to bed now!
  4. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Sabita dear I am just now in PUne , will be back only tomorrow night, so hope that time I will be able to givemy fb. But I nominated your post first, could not wait for that. By that time there will be many fbs and ;I can also give my fb
  5. Arunarc

    Arunarc Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sabitha

    I too enjoyed the early mornings with you.....It is so nice to talk to plants and takecare of them I just love that, I am really missing that not much to do in the flat. But yes
    It is summer but still I can hear the koyal and maina singing early in the morning. Lovely green parrots flying around to meet they friends, the cool breeze that comes from the window, asking you to wake up my lazy bones......hehehe
    2 people like this.
  6. Anitap

    Anitap IL Hall of Fame

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    Not much interest in gardening. But bought some zinnia seeds two weeks back for dd's sake as I know that it is low maintenance. Looks like I needed that final push. :)

    About the reap what you sow belief- it is more like "sow the wind and reap the whirlwind" (as far as I have heard). Good or bad, we reap many times more than what we sow.
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  7. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sabita,

    You knopw money plants are very moody, for when they grow, they say money grows, HAHA. So money is one unfiathful thing, and so i nevedr planted a money plant, why take the trouble, when the mponey will go to the neighbours.HAHA

    And lucky u, getting veggies for free eh ! Yes, that thing is strange, we dont sow weeds, and still they grow, faster than a money plant eh ! What an irony really.

    Now when i see the money p[lant growing in yr house, now i know where my money is headed to.

    i too have two lawns, but seriously i never planted anything all is done by my gardener.He does a decent job for 8 dollors a month around 5 visits , so 1.50 dollors a visit is not bad Sabita.HAHA

    This much i can afford.


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  8. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Sabitha,

    A good one. Yes, Early mornings, in the middle of plants nurturing them...what a good start of the day!

    Sometimes we reap as we sow. At times we do not get anything even of we sow and sometimes we get something without sowing. The law of nature is strange. Isn't it? Should we stop sowing? No, we should not. but do not expect the results....as Gita says.

    Thank you Sabitha.

    2 people like this.
  9. kelly1966

    kelly1966 Platinum IL'ite

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    hi Sabhita
    you know what I like about you... your genuine effort and interest in all you do... and the simple yet very thoughtful way you narrate these tasks in IL.. its always a pleasure to read your post as it gives you sooooo much to think about...
    continue talking to your plants and believe me the weeds won't stand a chance this time!!..
    3 people like this.
  10. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Hope you are having a good time in Pune aunty! Thank you for your nomination. It is always a pleasure to have you nominate what I write!

    Do take your time and look forward to your feedback.

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