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Friends in Need and Doubts and My Friend Ganesha (alias Ganpya bhau)

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by satchitananda, Nov 3, 2012.

  1. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    [JUSTIFY]Odd title, did I hear you say? Well, I don't blame you for that. I do sometimes doubt my own sanity and wonder what I am talking and thinking about. :spin But let me leave that aside, since my sanity or the lack of it is not the topic of this thread.

    What I want to talk of here is about two special friends from IL who have proved to be real friends - one a friend in need and one a friend in doubt. Yes, you heard right - a friend in doubt.

    Now I have always maintained that there is a God. I am not a "religious" person - I am somehow not too comfortable with rituals or poojas. My belief in God is thanks to my mother. She is moderately educated. Due to certain circumstances in her life, she had to stop her education when she was in Pre-Degree those days. She has always felt this very deeply. But for all this, she has always been very smart - certainly smart enough to handle a daughter (a "devil" or "shaitan" in her words :hide:) like yours faithfully. I once asked her what proof there was that God existed. She asked me if there was any power I knew of who could create the universe, the perfection and the beauty around me. That was enough for me to accept that she was right. I had no arguments against that. Either I was too stupid or she was too smart or she was right. :biglaugh :exactly:

    So, coming back to the story, recently when I went to Pune, I bought a Ganesha - the kind that people usually install for the Ganesh pooja and then immerse. I love the idols that are made in Maharashtra. There is something so exceptionally beautiful about them and Ganesha is my favourite God. So I bought this idol (photograph below) with the intention of keeping it for ever more with me. I packed Ganesha very carefully in my suitcase with a lot of soft padding so as to bring him intact. Unfortunately, the hand of his which was raised in blessing was broken. I felt slightly uncomfortable, but not being particularly superstitious and not believing in an angry God, I just joked to my maid that we needed to set right God's fractured hand. Anyway it was good that he feel what the pain was that we feel when we break our bones. That was that.

    Yesterday, in the course of my mental wanderings (these days they wander around the roads of my mom's illness) this conversation came right back to me and I was a bit stunned at the coincidence and wondered if this was the reason God got back at my mom by breaking her leg. Again I brushed away the thought. I was however considering whether I should immerse this idol after all.

    This morning I was mentioning this to my good friend (and now newly found Guruji - yes, he is good enough to start a Baba channel on television - good old Kamal baba. Now that he has given up smoking, eats a lot of vegetables and is trying to moderate his drinking habits, I am sure a saffron robe, kamandal, rudraksha mala would sit well on him :rotfl). I was really impressed as well as comforted by his words of practical spiritual wisdom - I totally agreed with him, because I believe those same things myself. I just wonder where such wisdom vaporizes when one is in trouble. :bang

    So the long and short of it is, well, Ganesha is not upset at me. He continues to be my friend. If he is putting me through this roller coaster, he must have a good reason for this. How many times in the past have I experienced this myself. Kamal Guruji told me how he too had experienced the worst lows only to rise and realize that it happened for the best. I was reminded of Somerset Maugham's story on "The Verger". So thank you very much Guruji. :bowdown

    The other friend, this one the proverbial friend in need is our Jack in the box, sorry, I mean outofthebox. I had felt rather ashamed of myself for having written a sob story in a previous snippet. But as my Guruji says, everything happens for the good. Now this time, the good came in the form of this outofthebox who decided it was time to spring out of her box. She came one evening with her husband and kid to meet me in hospital and spent some time here. My mom was happy to see the kid and was cheerful for a while. Two days later, this new friend came and spent the entire day with me at the hospital cheering me up and helping me look after mom. So if Ganpya bhau (Ganpati being my friend is Ganpya and bhau means brother) broke my mom's leg, he also gave me a very good friend who really came to me at a time when I had no one around to help. He sent me a true friend. Q.E.D. Kamalji, you are right. Ganpya bhau is not angry with me. He still loves me and is still my friend. So I shall not drown him. He shall stay in his exalted seat in my living room and continue to look down benevolently on me and bless me with his erstwhile fractured, now set right with Fevicol hand.[/JUSTIFY]

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  2. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Satchi,

    So u want to turn me into a Baba eh ! Then who will blog here.HAHA

    Well, God will never take revenge on us, like u said Ganesha's handbroke, and so did the hip bone of yr mom a few days later.He is above all this matter. He is our father, and a parent will never want to harm his own child, however mean we are to the parent.

    my grandmom used to tell this story, i dont know if u all know this. A son married, the DIL hated the MIL, one day she gave a ultimatum to her husband, that if u love me, go kill yr mother and bring her heart to me.

    the fool of the son went and killed his mother, and took out her heart , and as he was going to present the heart to his wife, he tripped, and the heart fell to the floor, and a voice said" Son i hope u are not hurt".

    this is the love of the parent for the child, Gos is our parent, we are his children, how can he ever think of harming us.

    As in the movie OMG, the saint says, that people in this country are more god fearning than god loving.

    So let us love our lord, broken hand or not, and accept what he has in store for us, it is good for us eitherway.

    superb blog, now i see a sanyasin called Satchi getting ready to give pravachan on TV eh !



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  3. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Kamalji, let us start up a channel of our own and run a business of giving pravachans - a joint venture.
    What say Guruji?
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  4. outofthebox

    outofthebox Platinum IL'ite

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    OMG !
    Kamalji in a robe and rudraksha mala....LOL...and Satchi as the sanyasin...:rotfl:rotfl
    I was even imagining Satchi sitting in the pose like Ganapati bappa in this pic ;-)

    Satchi, Ganpya bhau in this pic looks so calm and peaceful! Love this pic in this avatar...! The next time you visit Pune, I want one for me too....:hiya

    And just for a day, and I get this from you?! Then I wonder what I will be "showered" with if I can come many more times :-D :-D I don't know what I should say for this, but definitely its more than I can take it ! :drowning have drowned now by your words....And your post has been so cheerful that no one can guess what you are going through...I really pray from the bottom of my heart that things will sort out soon in the way that is best suited....

    Kamalji - again you have mentioned OMG here, and even after reading your snippet, haven't found the time to watch it...maybe this weekend I should!! And yes, we can expect Satchi to come for pravachan soon :-D
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  5. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    outofthebox, well if I look like Ganpya bhau, as cute as this one, I would not mind sitting in the same pose. :) The middle would surely justify the similarity.:rotfl

    Sure, next time you get a Ganesha from there too. These are traditionally made in a place called "Pen" between Mumbai and Pune.
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  6. shellysethi

    shellysethi Silver IL'ite

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    definitely outofthebox is friend in need and please don't doubt your friend Ganesha as you might not realise it in this present situation but he's always there with you who's giving you strength to handle this situation well.
    May God Bless You and Your Mom! I really wish her speedy recovery.
    the Ganesha idol is so cute.
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  7. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    True Shelly. May be I am unable to see it now. I shall wait for time to unfold whatever plans are in store for mom and me.
  8. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Satchi dear if you believe in God then sure he will do half of your work. But emember, he will do only the second half. How beautifully God keeps on adding one more day in our life. Not only because you need it but because someone else needs you and now your mother needs you most because you are very strong, loving and inspiratio for her .

    Glad to know about your special friends. It was very nice of OUt of the box to have come and given you stenght when you need it most. Only a lovablefriend can feel your silent pain and will hold your hand till yu become strong again. Thats what she has done when inneed. Keep your true friends always with you.

    Big and heavy doors swing easily on small hinges. Similarly small gestures of care and concern, keep all relationships alive and growing
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  9. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Vijima,

    How rightly you have put it. It was so comforting to have her here and especially when no one else was available for help.

    Thanks Vijima for the lovely feedback and the nomination. :) How is Mama doing?
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  10. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    You are welcome Satchi dear. Mama is very weak . Every morning I think he will get better but by evening he is tired and weak. Only when he starts eating properly he will improve but he is not able to eat

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