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I know what you should do

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Anandchitra, Sep 9, 2012.

  1. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    I have been hearing this statement too many times in recent months and have heard it plenty all my life. Starting with family, easily extends to the paid help and even strangers, everyone seem to know what’s good for me.
    In general it appears everyone knows what’s good for others! And it seems to come easy to give out advice (solicited or not).
    Now that I am an empty nester everyone who knows me has thought of things I should do. It ranges from joining the bhajan group, gita study, garden club, bridge club..the list goes on.
    I have learnt over the years to sincerely listen to any unsolicited advice and do what I think is best.
    I have lived by creating what I term as priority to me. I have also chosen to align my importance to what appears in front of me that needs to be done.
    This started when I had my son and decided to give up working outside the home so as to raise my child.
    Believe it or not, I was deluged by advice at how dumb and stupid my thought process and action was.
    Back then it was the fashionable in thing for women to work outside of their homes.
    Both my mother and MIL were quite open in their vehemence and my mother even accused me of being lazy. All of my peers thought I had lost my mind. Why would anyone want to stay at home to raise children?!
    I never really quite got why everyone reacted so strongly.
    It was very clear to me that I wanted to raise my child being a full time mother. I also wondered if others opinions count since so many thought otherwise.
    I turned to my DH for help who is like a Guru to me.
    He said I should make my own decision and not be influenced by what others think. He also taught me how to prioritize my life and to have the courage to stand up for myself.
    I never ever regretted how I chose to live and raise my own which always seemed to be more of a full time job.
    It always seems that whenever you make a choice there are so many people around who feel you should do something else.
    There is an element of guts needed to stand up to what you believe in.
    And so I am back to the Now. Here again so many decide what I should do with my time, my life and what clearly is my business.
    I have been travelling on the path to meet my creator. Everything else has to be in the sideline or not in the picture at all, if it fails to align with this priority.
    As unique is every one of the Lord’s creation so is the path each chooses. As long as the path is clearly visible to the one who chooses, one does not owe any explanations.
    I am dodging all the wise suggestions as to what I should do with a smile. A smile I also share with the benevolent creator.
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  2. imageofgod

    imageofgod New IL'ite

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    Hi Anandchitra,

    I just loved reading your write up. Yes you are right. There would be lots of people commenting on everything we do. Even I was given a choice by my husband home or office seven yrs back I chose home. I still remember my husband asked me "How and what you want to be five years from now?" I said a good mother...!!
  3. knbg

    knbg Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear AC,
    Best regards.
    I'm comparatively new here, but have read many of your posts.....:coffee
    What a beautiful post, which is crystal clear and simple.......
    Your crisp account of your journey is like a pointer for me , who is more or less in the same path.
    Enjoyed it with a smile...a content, confident, reassured smile.....:):)
    Thank you....:)
    2 people like this.
  4. Arunarc

    Arunarc Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Looks like our dear AC Habibi have travelled the path of more and more knowledgable journey ehh[​IMG]... has become more confident, smarter, intelligent, good advisor... loved reding your post.
    It is so true many a time people love to tell us what we have to do in life, without even realising what we wish to do in life.
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  5. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    dear aruna
    that is awfully kind of you to say smart, intelligent!! in real I am so far away from it all. only good thing going for me is i know i know nothing.
    thanks for the boost.

  6. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    wow! loved the compliment; thanks

  7. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    nice to be good mother; thanks;

  8. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear AC
    A great thread again!
    You know what? Everyone around me seems to know what is good for me, a point that has always remained elusive to me. But I know this much that if I had acted according to some of those advices, I would have been heading down a bottomless pit! The problem with the people who are ever ready to give advice is that they can never be held accountable for the failure of their advice. For them it is just a wager on your fate! Success or failure makes no difference to them.

    I love your line of thinking that you are travelling on the path to meet your creator and that everything has to align itself to this journey. For all rudderless ships, God is the Polestar. As long as we remain aligned to it, we do not need to listen to people who know what we should do!
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  9. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    my dear Sri
    I reviewed what I wrote twice before posting so that it would meet your level of expertise. I have never ever reviewed what I write. I just write in one burst and post right away. maybe if you continue to read i might get better at this writing, thanks to you. i guess its not to late to teach an old dog some new tricks haha

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  10. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear AC,

    Your post came right on time when I was contemplating on a spiritual discussion I had today. I was talking to a group of people about what is true education. I had mentioned to them that the very purpose why we came into existence is for us to learn something. Our journey is inside of us and our education is learning more and more about what is driving us in our life. Our education is about removing everything that prevents us from reaching our inner core that is called "Self". Every experience we have in our life is happening for a reason and it is our mind that connects all of them and converts into one whole life. What we learn from each one of our experiences is our true education.

    I have also learned out of my life that it is Self sacrifice that leads us to Self-satisfaction and it is Self-satisfaction that leads us to Self-confidence. If is our Self-confidence that drives us to our Creator. In the same meeting, my wife made a comment similar to that of yours. She said that it is always difficult to listen to the opinion of others and drive her life. She said what happened in her life so far had happened based on her decisions driven primarily by her consciousness.

    I am more than convinced that your approach is perfect and making your own decision in consultation with your consciousness is the right thing to do. Sometimes, I also feel that our consciousness is triggered by the comments made by the spouse as he/she is able to feel the soul of other half.

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