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A Rainbow for me!!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by ILoveTulips, Sep 19, 2010.

  1. ILoveTulips

    ILoveTulips IL Hall of Fame

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    Sometimes when the world looks unbelievably beautiful you have to appreciate it. You have to tell the world, the nature, the universe that its beautiful. Its so overwhelming that you cant express what you feel to the universe. When words are too difficult to speak, tears come to the rescue. You can't even begin to explain to the next person the reason for the tears.

    You look around the beauty of the world only when your heart is light and no issues are pressing it. It was one such time I was standing in the railway station with my grocery bags. 45 minutes left for the next train to my place and its just 10 minutes travel. Its 6.15PM, so no intention to call my home in India and wake them up, just because I had time. I had nothing to do but sit idle. After finding a proper place to sit and settling my grocery bags I straightened my legs, foldened my arms, drifted to some thoughts. Then it lead to think how much kindness life shown me.

    Evenings are emotion stimulating times especially when its before rain. The Cloud gets prepared to melt; cold breeeze softly touches your face; golden sun light treats your vision. I just looked far away, I dont know what I was looking because my mind wasn't there. My mind instructed me that nobody was in the railway station, but actually there were handful of people. It felt like I was sitting in a lonely world, with all its artistry characteristics bestowed.

    When I was 7 years old, I stuck my kid brother's fingers in a cycle wheel by mistake. He started to cry and nobody else was around. He raised his both arms and just when I thought he is going to beat me, he hugged me tightly. Tears welled up in my eyes and I sucked his fingers to give warm feeling, thats all I knew to treat the wound. 20 years, whenever I felt lonely, this incident comes to my mind. I dont know what is the logic programmed in brain and how this incident is picked when I feel lonely and look around the nature. I feel the same pain, affection, responsibility, love everytime when I think this. That day was not the exception. Nothing can stop my tears. Its weird that leaving the whole family in an International airport and heading to the flight wont make me cry; but an incident happened 20 years ago does.

    Train has arrived and I got in a window seat. Train moved fast so did my tears. I couldn't express the farm lands, bunch of sheeps gazing around, hays stacked uniformly and all of them showered with the golden sun rays and looked yellowish. It was not a family issue, physical pain, other life problem made me to cry. But the beautiful evening and the thoughts it provoked.

    Is it a feeling of happiness?

    Or is it a feeling of loneliness being an ocean apart from my family?

    I spoke to myself, "Silly, stop it; People in the next seat can see you; They will think that you have some problems; They might ask you, what will you reply? Come on, stop it." But this made the tears to flow even fast. Knowing that its waste of effort to stop it, I just turned my head completely towards the window so that nobody can see my face.

    10 minutes. The train arrived at the station. Decided to walk away fast from the station to home, wash the face completely before my husband gets confused, I grabbed the grocery bags and got down. It was unusually crowded on a Saturday. I had to lift my head up to find my way. There were men, women, kids all cheerful looking above. Some got into preparing their camera. Instinctively, I turned back and looked in the direction they were looking. The tears in my eyes stopped. Yes, its stopped at the very moment, which 10 minutes of struggling cant do.

    There it was. The garland of the sky. A massive rainbow arching from left to right end of the city. The railway station is in the outer area of the city, so there was the better view of the rainbow, at least 200 degrees. A fully decorated bride is still incomplete until she wears a garland. The nature was in its ultimate glow then.

    The people stood outside the train waved and informed the passengers. One by one got down the train. The railway employees granted few seconds for them to enjoy this rare sight which wont last longer. By what luck, did I carry a camera that day? I was not the same person as the one in 45 minutes before. I didn't mind I am a grown up, I didn't mind I was alone, I didn't mind there were people around me, I just jumped, several times. For a moment I forgot everybody even who am I.

    For me, that day's Rainbow was the natures way of thanking me for my appreciation to its beauty through my tears...

    I turned back after taking enough pictures. Train was gone, few people were still standing. Far from the station the golden Sun is still shining. I walked few steps past the people and towards the direction of the Sun. I didn't feel the glare in my eyes. It was simply wonderful. I turned left to see the Rainbow, then right to see the Sun. I thanked both of them for their appearances on the day when I was there to see it, with my heart light.

    I didnt know how long I stood there experiencing this. When I came back to my normal senses, I realised I am not carrying my grocery bags. It was several feets apart where I actually got down. It was there untouched. People were there still.

    It occured to me, we run behind the life wherever it drags us to; these small small occurrences nourishes our soul, rejuvenates our mind; and then we keep running behind life as usual, with newly acquired strength.

    World's precious joys are always free!!

    Sharing the pictures I took. I couldn't cover the entire rainbow with my camera, so showed the pieces of the rainbow and the beautiful golden Sun that travelled all the way with me. Hope you all like it too.

    Attached Files:

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  2. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Tulips

    Nice write up. You have narrated your emotions so well. I am also in that situations sometimes. Thanks for sharing the rainbow. A feast to the eyes.

    Since it is already nearing 11.30 pm. here I am stopping here. I wanted to give the first fb so gave it immediately.

  3. ILoveTulips

    ILoveTulips IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Madam,

    I am honored to receive first feedback from you... Glad to know that you have experienced that situation too... There were many times I juct cried out when I can't express my feeling in words.. be it happiness or sad...

    Thanks for your comment mam... Have a very good night... !!
  4. radsahana

    radsahana Silver IL'ite

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    hi tulips

    enjoyed reading the emotional post. i can understand, since sometime i also feel like crying, just for no reason at all.

    you have poured your thoughts so smoothly that it was sheer joy to read and feel it.

    i enjoyed your story "meet me at cofee place at r4 pm ". You are a damn good writer.

    looking forward to see more writings from you. :))
  5. AbhiSing

    AbhiSing Gold IL'ite

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    I enjoyed the rainbow ...and had tears!

    Your post is excellent as ever with your choice of words...pushing the readers into the magic world. Keep it up!
  6. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear IloveTulips,
    Such a lovely post on your thought process, so beautifully etched in words!
    Seeing a beautiful rainbow is a grand finale and it is sheer luck that you had your camera with you to take photograps and share with us.

    Nature very often offers us bountiful, joyful moments; but in our rush in everyday life, we miss to make a note and enjoy them. They dont tell us, 'a penny for your thoughts', but you have just done that!
    The tender feelings you shared with your brother in young age, keep coming back to you - thank God for such magical moments in life, which don't get erased from our minds, however much we grow up.
    This is the first post I read this morning and I feel like rushing to the balcony and spending a few minutes in communion with nature. I may not see a rainbow, but I will imagine one and enjoy!!
    A 'poetic' post in prose!!
    I am nominating your post for the finest post, this month.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
  7. Saraswathipv

    Saraswathipv IL Hall of Fame

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    Lovely posts accompanied with lovely pics.

    I simply loved your narration. Most of us experience the feelings that you do, but not all can express it in words, or maybe we fail even to realise what we have been experiencing.

    It was touching to read about the little incident with your kid brother that keeps coming back for you.

    Thanx dear for such a cute post.
  8. iswaryadevi

    iswaryadevi Platinum IL'ite

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    Wowww...really very nice post...I just have no words to express my emotions right now. You have narrated it so well and thank you so much for sharing the pics. It is a feast to the eyes. Hope this wins the FP :thumbsup
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  9. Arunarc

    Arunarc Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear ILT
    Wow what a post just excellent...
    I just saw Chitvish nominated the post and if she has done it then it has to be the master piece. I just signed in and got to read such beautiful post full of emotion, love and alll...
    These beautiful pictures and by such lovely writing you have indeed nourished our soul, and brought joy to our life, and a feast to our eyes.
    Wow you had camera with you when you saw such beautiful sceneric and thought of sharing this with us all. Thank you for such a lovely post.
  10. LightOfVictory

    LightOfVictory Junior IL'ite

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    ILT, Can't agree more on this. Experienced it many times.

    Awesome. Beautifully thought and words.
    On Ganesh Chaturthi evening, hubby was watching US Open semi-finals. I hesitatingly asked him if he can take me to the temple, I know how much he likes Tennis. He agreed. Went to the temple, there was a pooja going on. Felt happy and peaceful while coming out of the temple. Was thanking hubby for taking me to the temple (leaving the tennis match). We just got out of the temple and there I spotted, a beautiful rainbow. An arch - perfectly drawn on the sky. My joy knew no bounds. It lasted for 10 minutes. Believe me or not, I thought same like you, that nature is showering its choicest blessings on us! :thumbsup (Fortunately, the match was still going on and we saw the last couple of sets!)

    Again, excellent choice of words and excellent thoughts. Good job ILT!

    P.S: Sorry for the long reply. Since our wavelengths matched, could not resist the temptation for elaboration :)
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
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