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My Diary

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by mithila kannan, Jul 31, 2010.

  1. mithila kannan

    mithila kannan Gold IL'ite

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    I decided that I will write a diary.I had made this decision many times before,my dear.Come November my husband would be getting diaries from his office ,from his friends,colleagues,lovely diaries.I would stand by his side ,pick out the best diary with beautiful pictures and claim it as mine.My husband would ask me,”What are you going to do with that book,mythili?This one is enough for you,no?”He would give me a simple one,but I would say,”No”,firmly and walk away with the diary.What did I do with that diary?Nothing,I never wrote a diary.I forgot mostly that I had a diary and that I promised my DH that I was going to maintain a diary.I was also afraid of writing a diary.I thought that a diary was one which captured your honest feelings ,thoughts and happenings in your life and I was not sure if I was ready to put down all that went in my mind all that happened in my life, honestly.So,my diary collection went on,I have so many diaries with me, but I never ever started writing a one.

    Some days back,I decided that I will start writing my diary because I have wonderful friends who will read me,give me their opinion, but will not stand in judgement on me.When you have loving friends ,you need fear nothing,not even yamadharma.They will chase him away,like you did and brought me back from the threshold of death.

    Here Iam with My Diary.

    When I was sure that I was going to write my diary,I went to googles.I googled and ,oh my God!what lovely quotations for Diary!I read quite many pages and finally I selected a few that appealed to me.
    I was simply mesmerised by the words of Anne Frank,the young jewish girl who was kept in a concentration camp by the Nazis and died in the year 1945.My heart aches for her.
    She and her family were hiding in an attic for nearly two years from the Nazis.While she was in that place she wrote and maintained a diary hoping that one day,when things became ok,she would get it printed.But alas,she was caught with her family,was taken away to the camp, where she died.
    While she was hiding,she wrote in her diary,” In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can't build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery and death.”

    What a courageous girl.what a noble soul she was to see only goodness in others,when she knew that she and her family would be caught anytime and that death awaited them at the hands of the Nazis?

    I had goosepimples .That day I went to sleep thinking of her words.Is it possible that there are only good people on this earth,then why do so many murders take place every day?So many women are raped every second in a day?Why is there so much treachery around us?(I kept thinking about this and finally arrived at the meaning that everyone need not necessarily be only good ,but there is goodness in everybody.Even a murderer may have a kind streak in him,may be his heart weeps for the poor.Even a rapist may be kind to small children.

    Today morning I got up and after sometime my mind still on AnneFrank and her profound words.While I was munching her words,I got a call from my dentist.An year back I had to get all my teeth removed.I had to keep quiet till the wounds healed,but I became critically ill and then I had to wait till my doctor gave me the green signal to get my dentures done.Finally my husband perused ads in the free ads book,found out the phone number of a dentist who has her clinic closer to our house and gave her a call.My husband explained to her,how his wife was a patient hooked on to oxygen cylinder and that if I had to come to her clinic ,I would have to be taken only by an ambulance.That lady doctor,Vani immediately agreed to come home,see me ,take my measurement and get the dentures done .She came,a lively young person,we both saw her and fell in love with her, such was her personality.She examined my gums,said that they were fine and that I was ready for getting dentures done.Next, she came with a Doctor,a dentist and he made the dentures for me.He made a couple of trips to my place involving traveling one and a half hours’ driving.
    When the final measurement was taken I told him that the upper dentures protruded a little.He said,”Madam ,your bone structure is like that,Once you start wearing your dentures you will look fine.you will get used to it”.I said,”fine”.
    I started wearing my dentures.The lady doc told me,”Feel free to call me ,if you have any discomfiture.”
    Well, I called her several times,saying,”Doc,it is pinching here,Paining there”She made many trips to our house to see me and she smoothened the dentures using a small device.Finally the pinchings stopped.I was comfortable with my dentures,but not my family members.
    My elder daughter said,”Don’t wear those dentures,they are protruding in the front.I don’t want to see you like that.”
    My younger one said,”A mma , you do look funny with your dentures,please don’’t wear them.You look so beautiful without dentures.”

    Anjali said,”Amma,these dentures make you look an angry woman.When you don’t wear it, you look so nice like a child”
    I told Anjali,”Just get away before I start shouting at you”My husband being an ever diplomatic person said ,”Mythili,wear them only when you eat.”
    You can imagine my state of mind.I just put the dentures back in their container and was happily going around and eating without dentures.Yesterday I got a call from Dr.Vani.She asked me,”Madam,right now,are you weaing your dentures?”I said,”No”and repeated to her what my family members told me.

    She sympathized with me and said,”You should wear your dentures.After paying so much of money,how could you keep them away.Let me see how I can help you.”
    I did not attach much importance to what she said.I thought that she was being very polite.Today morning I got a call from her,”Iam coming to your place now”said she and came within half an hour.Her assistant,a very sweet looking young lady examined me thoroughly.Dr.Vani was running temperature and in that condition ,she came to see me but was sitting in the hall because she said that she did not want to come near me with fever.

    Finally Dr.Vani said,”Iam taking your dentures to the lab.If they can repair it,set the upper one properly to your liking , ok,fine.Otherwise I will make new dentures for you again and remember that it would be free of cost.I would not be charging you for this.”My heart stopped,I forgot to breathe.

    It was not at all necessary for her to go to this extent to make dentures for me,that too free of cost.Her kind nature and her commitment to her profession made her take this decision.

    She repeated again and again,”I want to see you wearing your dentures ,liking it and…”she did not finish it,I said,”Dr,I want my husband to propose to me again”she laughed and walked away.

    So there are good people ,only good people around us.There is goodness in each and every one of us.So tomorrow,when your maid takes leave without taking permission from you,don’t shout at her,God knows what problem she had, to take leave,remember the the good work that she does at your place.Tomorrow,when your neighbour does not reciprocate your friendly smile,don’t frown and jump to the conclusion that she is being arrogant,who knows, she may be having some problems that troubles her mind,remember the cozy talks you had with her and how helpful she was, when you fell ill all of a sudden and she took care of your children.Let us learn to see only the goodness in others.

    Yes,there is goodness in every one of us and it required a young Jewish girl, who was on the threshold of death to teach me that.

    Last edited: Jul 31, 2010

  2. ganges

    ganges Gold IL'ite

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    wow! Mythili, you are an excellant writer. I too read the story about anne frank in a Readers Digest and felt for her. The dental part in your writing is hilarious and it is amazing to hear about that doctor, which is very rare nowadays. But sure as you say there are good people every where and also there is some goodness in all of us. Only thing is we have to identify it. Thanks for the lovely posting dear and do write often keep us high.

    with love


  3. mithila kannan

    mithila kannan Gold IL'ite

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    Thank you,dear ganges.Iam happy you liked reading My Diary.My desire is t post My Diary every day,let me see.
  4. Mythily

    Mythily Senior IL'ite

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    Hello Aunty,
    Howz ur health? As always, this write up is also very nice and yes it says a message too....dont worry...u will get ur dentures fixed and will look beautiful and get that proposal too :cheers
  5. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Mithila

    That is a brilliant piece of writing Mithila.
    It is absolutely amazing that a young girl could be so optimistic particularly when the only noise that one could hear was that of the firing of guns that rendered scores of hapless Jews lifeless. There have been quite a few movies on Nazi atrocities based on true incidents. While Schindler’s List showed that even among Jews there were highly benevolent guys, movies like Life is beautiful (of Robert Benigni) showed how one remained cheerful till the inevitable bullet snuffed out the life. That people could really be good at heart turned out to be just wishful thinking as Anne Frank faced the firing squad.

    According to the devout Hindus, the greatest diary writer of them all is Chitragupta but unfortunately he never has time to write his own diary being saddled with the onerous task of having to maintain the diary of every one of us. Even in the Old Testament, it is mentioned that all our lives and actions are observed and recorded by the Almighty to whom we must give an account of our conduct through life. Chitragupta is the only competent person to say if there is something good in every one. But the manner in which ‘Anniyan’ goes about punishing people in accordance with Garuda Purana, there seems to be predominantly only bad everywhere!

  6. shivachoubey

    shivachoubey IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Mithila,

    Wonderful piece of writing. I could actually picturize Dr. Vani. It was really nice of her to help you out. Yes even I agree that good people are there in this world we only have to look out for them.

    It was as usual a wonderful read. I am so happy to see your dairy. Now keep updating it.

    Have a great day ahead.

  7. Sriniketan

    Sriniketan IL Hall of Fame

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    I :bowdown Anne Frank for her seeing goodness in people around her even at turbulent times. Those words highlighted by you...:thumbsup shows how we can be if we nuture those thoughts from practice..

    I also salute Dr.Vani for her committment to her profession.

    I like the last sentences of your diary where you had mentioned to see only goodness or the reason behind every person's move...that's what I am trying to practice...but sometimes fail!

    PS: Your diary has started with a bang...all the best!

  8. knot2share

    knot2share Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Mithila maami
    What a lovely way to start your Diary! Loved reading it. In the midst of all atrocities that keep happening, we tend to forget the good in everyone. Anne Frank's quotation is beautiful and thanks to you to remind us that there are many Dr Vanis around. I am glad that you finally started writing your diary. Please take care.
  9. mithila kannan

    mithila kannan Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Mithy,
    Thank you,dear for those loving words.
  10. mithila kannan

    mithila kannan Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Mr.cheeniya,
    Thank you or that kind remark about the post.Anne Frank comes across as a unique person.In her diary she says that
    once the war gets over he would train hersel to become a jounalist.she says that she does not want to be like her mother,cooking and cleaning she wants to go out in the world and do something contribute something for the society.your heart aches for her because you know that she is going to die at the hands of the nazis.I wanted to see schindler'as list and I did not want to see it also, as I did not have the couage to watch any atrocity committed on any human being.Now I would like to see the movie mentioned by you,better still if it is in a book form.I want to read The Odessa file also.

    I have also heard that chitragupta maintains the accounts of our good and bad deeds.Poor chap,his hands must be aching.
    I like to believe that there is goodness in every human being.

    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010

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