Why does anyone want to stay abroad If India is another USA ??

Discussion in 'Return to India' started by anika987, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Or should I ask "why should anyone want to return to India if it is another USA?"

    I was talking to my friend back in India about life there coz we have intentions of moving back in the future.she is like "pish-posh! India has everything these days!
    Name what you want! people are even more westernized and awesome than abroad!.
    potlucks,oubs,parties that and this etc etc name it!"

    I told her "I want to teach kids the value of our culture,functions,play with grandparents show them temples etc etc"

    She burst out laughing "God! you are so old fashioned!Here we prefer being nuclear.you sound like in 1950's"

    the above was the conversation.

    I do not understand.Also,I hear so many people returning back to India who also claim India like is hectic,day day tensions are so high,and too westernized these days.It is a bit confusing.

    Has India become so westernized that it makes no sense to return back or we get the best of both worlds there that we are wasting our life in USA.

  2. chocolate

    chocolate Platinum IL'ite

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    OP, R2I shud be a person's personal choice. Not something you base of from a friend's words. Although I will agree with your friend on some points. You get everything there . Traffic is a nightmare. Safety is a concern always for girls and women.Staying near grandparents in an onus. Go if you feel like going. Why don't you trial go and then decide. See if you can stay there for 3-4 months. If you feel you can , then think of moving permanently.Indian Temples will always be Indian temples.They are always well above others. Good Luck.
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  3. thegirlygirl

    thegirlygirl Platinum IL'ite

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    Yes dear, India today is just a perverted reflection of the western world.

    People look down on others who wear Indian clothes or try to follow Indian customs and religion.

    My mother always gets exasperated when she goes to India.

    She says, if people here are so much in awe of Americans and their culture, then why don't they also learn not to litter around and throw garbage around like the Americans, why can't people politely and patiently wait for their turns in queues like Americans do?
    Why can't the Indian youth learn to respect and help the senior citizens of their country like the American youth does?

    Why only adopt their unhealthy eating habbits, their dressing style or their slang words like 'dude', ' who cares' etc

    I believe if one truly wants to teach their children the importance of Indian culture and Hindu religion, then one better live outside Indian.
    In India, the one thing children learn about Hindu religion for sure is discrimination based on caste system.
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  4. 1Sandhya

    1Sandhya Platinum IL'ite

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    Frankly speaking, India has changed a lottt.

    Why are you planning to return? Be clear why. That will give you some clarity. If you are returning because you remember the India of your childhood, a simpler world and want to return to that or give your kids that, then forget about it. That India has gone for ever.

    Yes there are now a lot of things available in India, no question. But the consumer safeguards we take for granted are yet to come into place. The strict labeling requirements that most western countries are nominal or nonexistent. Here and there, in some select big cities some ngos have started organic food initiatives. but they are not widely known. You would come to know through word of mouth after lot of asking around.

    Basic Child safety, like in schools, playgrounds, basic swimming pool safety are non existent. There is simply no accountability. Its basically your family and you have to look at all the aspects, and take care of it yourself.

    I agree with your friend, that in India most of the focus is western facing. I got blank looks when I asked around for local language basic books for my kids. Most will immediately point towards the big bookstores which will be replete with technical books or english authors. I found more resources in US to teach my kids about our languages and culture.

    Finally air and water. Many of our friends moved back after moving to India because their children developed respiratory issues or asthma. And the water and electricity problem is endemic.

    Anyway all the above is my opinion.
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  5. FromMars

    FromMars Gold IL'ite

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    You are living in the USA, but are thinking about India **ALL THE TIME***

    It clearly shows that you are unhappy with your current life.

    I am not implying that your life will magically transform when you go back to India.

    If you have decided that you tried your best to live well in USA and you are still unhappy, then, go back to India. Try your best to live well in India.

    This is the only way you will find out, where you will be happy.

    You do have to try.

    Like everyone says, India has changed a lot. All of my friends say that it will take anywhere from 2 to 4 years to adjust to life in India after living in USA. Be ready for it, if you are venturing into something like this.
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  6. DKI

    DKI Platinum IL'ite

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    My cousin and I were discussing children in both countries recently. Both of us have been accused of having children who don't speak Tamil. Both our sons speak Tamil, but maybe with a slight accent, and also not very confidently.

    What she said is that another cousin of ours, married and is settled in Bangalore. They do not speak Tamil either. They have never left India, live with parents and paternal grandparents, can understand Tamil, but will not speak it.

    Other than that, it is true that many Indians think it is "cool" to have accents (seen on an episode of Neeya Naana - a mother was very proud that her daughter who is 12 speaks English with an American accent), who like to emulate western dressing, eating, etc. These same people when they are outside India will follow all the rules, and will be the first ones to break them when they come back to India.
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  7. Weasly

    Weasly Gold IL'ite

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    trust me, we are more indian than the indians in india! we try to retain sm indianess but ppl dere dnt care!
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  8. sdiva20

    sdiva20 Platinum IL'ite

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    I really don't understand these people who choose to live in one country while pining for another. Life is always greener on the other side and every place has its advantages and disadvantages. Either choose to love where you live or live where you love. Why is this so hard? You decide if the monetary advantages are worth this constant pining.

    Whatever you do make that decision while your kids are still young instead of uprooting them once they are older to suit your own conveniences.
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  9. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Oh DKI, can you send me the link to that neeya naana episode?I love the show.
  10. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    I have loved every country I have lived in, and have moved when it's time. Now I appreciate being able to settle and put down roots in one place. I do love visiting India, but I don't have any angst about living here. And from what I have seen, school seems a lot more fun for kids here, certainly for encouraging creativity and individuality. The local magnet programs are amazing.
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