
Discussion in 'Recipe Central' started by kanaka Raghavan, Dec 6, 2006.

  1. kanaka Raghavan

    kanaka Raghavan IL Hall of Fame

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    i would like share some sweet receipes
    wheat halwa
    1 cup wheat flour
    1cup sugar
    1 cup milk
    1 cup ghee
    little saffron
    heat ghee roast wheat flour well till it loses it raw flavour,add milk and sugar aswell along with saffron soaked in warm milk.cook on a low flame till the mixture leaves the pan. it is good when it is eaten hot.
    carrot crunches
    300gm maida,175gm ghee,125 gm sugar,1 cup boiled and mashed carrots,1/2 tsp baking powder,1/2 tsp salt 2 tsps milk.
    sieve maida,salt, b.powder. add ghee ,sugar and carrot,milk to smooth dough.roll and cut into squares.bake at 170*c.
    nut rolls
    1 cup powdered cashewnuts,i cup icing sugar,2 drops almond essence.6 tbsps milk , saffron
    for filling.2tbsps cherries,dates ,walnuts ,cashewnuts,and almonds.
    mix cashewnuts with,sugar, add milk.make a dough.roll dough.then sprinkle fruits and nuts.roll from yourend.then cut the roll with a sharp knife. serve.
    yours kanaka raghavan:wave:wave

  2. Sakhi

    Sakhi New IL'ite

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    sago halwa

    Can anyone teach saboodana/sago halwa? It is very rich. Not the Bombay Karachi halwa but saboodana halwa.
  3. kanaka Raghavan

    kanaka Raghavan IL Hall of Fame

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    malai pedas
    1 litre milk
    100gm sugar
    1 pinch citric acid mixed in 3tsps of water
    1/4 tsp saffron
    1 tsp cornflour mixed in 2tsps of milk
    boil milk and reduce it to half.add sugar and boil for 4 to 5 mts.add citric acid solution until it curdles. soak saffron in little milk for some time and it to the boiling milk.add thee cornflour mixture to the boiling milk.cook till it thickens.add cardamoms, and other nuts. remove. let it cool and then cut it into shape.
    fruit basandi
    sugar-1 cup
    boil milk .as it starts reducing in quantity.keep removing the malai which is formed in the sides.keep it in another vessel.add sugar and boil till the milk it is half add bananas .mash well. add the malai. remove from the stove add nuts. cool and serve.
    milkmaid cake
    bake equal amount of condensed milk and cream until it is brown.
    banana bite
    fresh paneer-100gms
    any jam-4 tsp
    red cherries-24
    select ripe and firm bananas.peel and cut horizotally into two and then vertically.apply jam. make oval shaped paneer pieces on the of the jam and press a cherry on top. chill and serve.
    jam balls
    paneer-200 gms
    vanilla essence2 drops
    any jam -4 tbsp
    milk-1 1/2 cup
    sugar-1 1/2 cup
    knead paneerand flatten it.keep a tsp of jam and make it into a ball.arrange the balls in a dish.and pour sweetened andvanilla flavoured milk.chill. sprinkle cornflakes and serve.
    gulab jamun balls. make gulab jamun the usual way.do not soak it insugar syrup. instead just make the balls and fry in oil and arrange it in a tray and pour condensed on top of it. let it soak. sprinkle nuts if you want. cool and serve.
  4. krishnaamma

    krishnaamma Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Sakhi,

    Here is one recipe of 'Sabudhana Halwa'. I will give 2 types and I dont know whether you are looking for this type. Give me FB. ok?:)

    Simple Method:

    1 Cup Sago/ Sabudhana
    2 Cups Sugar
    1 1/2 Cups Melted Ghee
    1 Table spoon Cashew nuts (broken)
    1 Tea spoon ‘kismis’
    ¼ Tea spoon Cardamom powder.


    In a pan pour ½ of the ghee and put sabudhana with that.
    Fry till all of them fried well in ghee.
    Sabhudhana will become big after frying.
    Now add 2 cups of water and allow sabudhana to cook well.
    Then add sugar and pour ghee and mix well.
    In another pan pure the balance ghee and fry cashew and kismis.
    Put them with the cooked sabudhana, mix well.
    Add cardamom powder and mix well.
    When it starts leaving ghee from the sides, remove from the fire and put it in a vessel.
    We can use this ‘Sabudhana Halwa’ after it comes to room temp.

    Note: Fry Sabudhana well in ghee. Otherwise it will become ‘sticky’.
  5. krishnaamma

    krishnaamma Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Sabudhana halwa 2

    Hi ,

    Here is another method.

    Sabudana 1/3 cup
    Maida 1/3 cup
    Cornflour 2/3 cup
    Sugar 4 cups
    Ghee 1 cup
    Lemon 1 med
    Cardamom powder 2 tsp
    Colour green , lemon or red

    Wash & soak sago in 2 cups of water for 8 hrs & liquidize.
    Soak maida & cornflour also in 2 cups of water in 8 hrs.
    Dissolve sugar in 1 ½ cups water & bring to a boil.
    As soon as the sugar melts completely, add both the mixtures & begin stirring.
    When the mixture starts thickening, add ghee 1 tsp at a time till ½ cup is used up.
    Add the colour mixed in lime juice & cardamom powder.
    Now add remaining ghee as before.
    When the mixture becomes a frothy mass & starts leaving the sides of the vessel. Remove from flame.
    Pour into a greased plate, cool & cut when still soft.
    When completely cooled wrap each piece separately in clean thin pieces of butter paper or Clingfilm.
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  6. sssstha

    sssstha New IL'ite

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    hi any one faluda what is that is that sweet can you give me receipe thanks
  7. VijayaSeshadri

    VijayaSeshadri New IL'ite

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    White bread ; One loaf
    Milk : One litre
    Sugar : One cup
    Elaichipowdwer :a little
    fresh cream :eek:ne table spoon


    Cut Bread slices in to small cubes and deep fry them in ghee. Heat milk and reduce it to one fourth of its original volume.Add sugar and stir well. Add bread pieces to this. Arrange these in a plate and add whipped cream and sprinkle the elaichi powder.
  8. kanaka Raghavan

    kanaka Raghavan IL Hall of Fame

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    Apple rabadi
    1 litre low fat milk
    3 tsps sugar
    2 desert apples
    1/2 tsp cardamom powder
    3 almonds blanched and sliced
    Put the milk and simmer for 12 mts.
    Add sugar and cook on a low flame stirring continuosly until the mixture reduces to half.
    Add the apples and bring to a boil and remove from the heat atonce,
    sprinle almonds and cardamoms.serve chilled.

    Low fat kulfi with strawberry sauce
    1 litre low fat milk
    a pinch citric acid crystals
    1 tsp cornflour
    6 tsp sugar
    a few saffron strands
    1/4 tsp elaichi powder
    To be crushed together for the strawberry sauce
    1/2 tsp crushed strawberry
    4 tsp powdered sugar
    In a bowl soak saffron in alittle warm milk and keep aside.
    Dissolve the cornflour in 1 tsp milk and keep aside.
    Dissolve the citric acid in 2 tsps water and keep aside.
    Put the milk and bring to a boil.simmer till it is reduced to a little more than the half the original quantity.Add the citric acid and simmer for 2 mts.The milk will get curdled.
    Add the cornflour and sugar and bring to a boil.Simmer for 5 to 7 mts.
    cool.Add the saffron and elaichi powder and mix well.
    Pour in ashallow container and freeze till slushy.4 hours.
    Remove and blend in a blender till it is smooth.
    Pour in kulfi moulds and freeze till it sets.
    To unmould ,allow the moul;ds to remain outside the fridge for 5 mts and then unmould by inserting a fork in the centre .
    serve topped with strawberry sauce.
  9. rs18

    rs18 Senior IL'ite

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    7 Cup Sweet

    Hi All.

    This is a very simple one , give it a try . if already posted pls excuse me !:)

    Grated coconut 1cup
    Gram Flour - 1 cup
    sugar 3 cup
    Ghee 1 cup
    Milk 1 cup

    Mix all the ingredients well and heat in a fry pan until it becomes soft, stirring constantly then pour in a large gheed plate. when it cools cut in to desired shapes.

    Ramya :wink:
  10. Cindhuja

    Cindhuja Gold IL'ite

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    Re: Ask here - The recipes you want from ChitVish

    Hi all,

    I have 2 sweet recipes which require the same ingredients. It is quite common in South India. The 2 sweets r suyyam and poli.


    Bengal Gram (Channa dal) - 2 cups
    Jaggery (crushed) - 2 cups
    Maida - 2 to 3 cups
    Cardamon powder - 1 tsp
    Shredded Coconut - 2 tbsps

    Boil water and add jaggery, keep it in medium heat till jaggery dissolves and thickens a little. keep stirring then and then to avoid jaggery sticking to the pan.

    Pressure cook bengal gram and mash it. it shud neither b too soft nor very coarse. Add liquified jaggery littel by little and gently mix with a laddle. finally add cardamon powder and coconut and mix well. The consistency must be semi solid enof to make balls (lemon size) out of tat dough. This is called poornam meaning stuffing.

    Take maida, add water little by little and make it to sauce consistency(neither very watery nor tough). Dip the balls made out of jaggery and bengal gram in this maida and deep fry it.

    If u have the south indian cooking accessory called paniyara kadai, u can save oil.Instead of deep frying u can add little oil in this kadai and fry it.


    Follow the same procedure as above to make poornam.
    Instead of liquidifying the maida make it like chappathi's.(Very thin)
    In the centre of the chappathi keep this poornam(balls made).
    Cover it and roll it again so that it looks like stuffed chappathi.
    Fry it in tawa like chappathi's.

    For poli u can avoid coconut in the stuffing. Likewise add a pinch of salt and pinch of turmeric to the maida dough.


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