Normal delivery Vs C-Section

Discussion in 'Post Pregnancy Care' started by dsrini, Apr 26, 2007.

  1. dubbi

    dubbi Bronze IL'ite

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    Re: Negotiating(?!!) with doctor for a normal delivery- Tips needed

    Sasi It depends on your doctor, the distance of your home form hospital and how quickly you can get there bcoz in India if you get stuck in a traffic jam there is not much chance you can get your way through if the hospital is very far.

    Still mostly labor takes anywher from 6 to 12 + hrs so it should be an issue unless you are one of teh woman who have precipitated labor i.e very fast labor. Ask you doc for her comfort level.

    the 5 1 1 rule is practiced abroad i.e contractions every 5 min lasting a min and have been so for the last one hour.

    Of late many couples want to do what u want to try out but only you can understand the pros and cons and decide.

    Tej just for your info This movie is taken by a US director showing what is happwning in the US , so I would say definitely discuss with the doc.

    Also did you know that among developed nations the US has teh highest infant mortality rate. This movie is about moving birth from hospital to home not that I am for it but it is an eye opener for the no. of medical interventions that happen to a woman a a routine or for the slightest reson. Did you know that induction increases the chance of a C-section by 50%.

  2. MrsSasi

    MrsSasi New IL'ite

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    Re: Negotiating(?!!) with doctor for a normal delivery- Tips needed

    Thanks for your inputs Deepa, I shall discuss with my doc on this.
  3. Jyothisri

    Jyothisri Bronze IL'ite

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    Re: Negotiating(?!!) with doctor for a normal delivery- Tips needed

    MrsSasi, thanks for raising a great topic for discussion. I have always wondered how C-sections are so common in India and what are the options that a woman who wants a natural birth has.

    Deepa, thank you for your support in raising awareness about this topic. I did see the movie 'The Business of Being Born'. To be honest, it made me a little anxious (not more than I already am!) about the whole system and how a birth is handled. I was under the impression that at least in the US, women have a choice about their birth plan.

    Now, I have the same questions running through my mind that MrsSasi has raised here. When a woman plans for a natural birth but wants an anesthetic to be available in case she needs it, what is she to do? Choose a midwife or an OB-GYN? What if there is no midwife available? I would like to be prepared when my time comes, just like everybody else, and not leave everything solely to God or to the doctor, because it is my birth experience and I'm the one who is the active participant! At the same time, I am not sure if I will be able to go for a completely natural birth when the time comes. I really would like to see more discussion on this, from Deepa, from ladies who have given birth in India, and also from ladies who have given birth in the US and other countries. Yes, there is a separate forum for birth experiences, which is more personal, I would like to see a discussion about the system here.

    MrsSasi, sorry, I don't mean to hijack your thread, but since this is such an important discussion, I would like it to go on.
  4. vas123

    vas123 New IL'ite

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    Re: chances of C-section with induced labor


    i m priyanka, age 29 ,

    my late mentios period date was on 20/12/2008 , , i have completed 294 days of pregnancy , still i m not getting any labor pains yet , my doctor suggeted for induction. as per scan results , mu baby weight is 3.8+/- 500Grm

    AFI is 11

    could u please suggest after giving induction how many i need to wait to get teh labor pains and suggestion i need to consider to have a natural delivery.

    thanks and Regards
  5. MrsSasi

    MrsSasi New IL'ite

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    Re: Negotiating(?!!) with doctor for a normal delivery- Tips needed

    Hi JyothiSri, Iam really happy to see this discussion being continued. Thanks, you've reflected the queries running in my mind too, would hiring a mid-wife or doula would make a big difference during labour and is it very expensive? Not sure if such services are practised in cities apart from Chennai. Would it help in increasing the chance of normal delivery? I may need to check out with my doctor and shall post it. Meanwhile, Deepa, please let us know if you have any details on hiring a mid wife or doula in India. Thanks a lot in advance.
  6. enlightened

    enlightened Bronze IL'ite

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    Planned C Section

    Dear Friends,
    My first was aplanned c section at 37 weeks because of IUGR.This one also will be a planned c section.Thankfully I dont have the issue that I had with my first.Any idea when the doctors would actually schedule the c section?I am currently at 32 weeks.

  7. Happysoul1234

    Happysoul1234 Gold IL'ite

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    Re: Planned C Section

    Hi Deepa, congrats on your pregnancy. Generally doctors like to wait till term to do a planned c-section so that baby has full oppotunity to grow and develop. Barring any complications, I've seen doctors here wait till atleast 39 weeks to do a planned c-section.​
  8. Malyatha

    Malyatha Gold IL'ite

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    Re: Planned C Section

    Hi Deepa,

    That really depends on your baby's needs. Most OBs will wait until a pregnancy is 'term' (37 weeks) to do a c-section, but will not hesitate to do one ahead of time if the baby shows any form of distress or if s/he is better off outside the womb than inside it. Also, if you have any pregnancy complications - such as diabetes, placental problems etc - then your baby may be scheduled for delivery as soon as it is feasible and safe to bring him or her out (even if you are not yet 37 weeks along).

    Enjoy the third trimester, Deepa. I hope that you have a safe and easy delivery.

    Good luck!
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2009
  9. satin

    satin Silver IL'ite

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    Epidural and normal delivery or c-section?

    Hi all,

    I will be 6 months this week.

    This is what I've decided till now,I have decided not to have an epidural for any reason and in case if I am not able to bear the pain then I will have a c-section.but in any case I dont wanted to use epidural or spinal block .What do people who've given birth feel about this,do u think normal delivery with epidural is better than c-section,personally I feel instead of having epidural for pain relief and and having normal delivery I can have c-section,am I right,I am yet to have this conversation with my doctor which will be in 3 weeks.Need answers,thanks.
  10. Priya_Mommy

    Priya_Mommy Gold IL'ite

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    Re: Epidural and normal delivery or c-section?

    Hi satin
    How ru doing?Howz ur baby shower function in chennai?
    Which color saree did you buy Green/red?
    Just remembering your queries in pregnancy forum during your early months. Congratulations for successful completion of 5 months.
    Yes, coming to your query - already there was enough discussion happened in below thread
    Hope you come to a decision either NOrmal with epidural or C-section.
    Per my knowledge its all depends on baby's position during labour time will decide the mode of delivery.
    If you want a normal delivery,try to excersise breathing techniques and prepare yourself to cope up with pains.

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