Share your Pet's funny incidents and behavior

Discussion in 'Pets and Animal Lovers' started by easy, Apr 28, 2012.

  1. easy

    easy Gold IL'ite

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    I see lot of pet lovers in this forum.let us share some funny /interesting moments we had /have with our pets.

    i have a dog -his name is chotu and he is a Pom. I stay in an aptmt.
    Whenever i take him for a walk, he will climb down the staircase..but while returning he likes to always take the lift. He will sit in front of the lift like satyagraha..even i pull he wont come with me..he wll pull me to the direction of the lift ..and he will use his legs to open the lift door. How on earth they understand..that lift will take them home with less effort. :) looks like dogs have also become lazy like the owners

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  2. umaakumar

    umaakumar Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Easy,

    Nice to see your post. I too have 2 poms and use to stay in an apartment (4th Floor). One of my dog - Kelly is like that and she loves to go up only in the lift and will go directly in the direction of the lift after her walk. It is a difficult task to take her up when the lift is not working. The previous apartment I stayed in did not have a lift. After her walk we had to carry her up the stairs. She will simply not move once she reaches the stairs and lie down and wait to be carried.

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  3. meVaidehi

    meVaidehi Platinum IL'ite

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    Cute thread prabha,
    If you have read my thread about my shona's mischiefs you would know with her it was nothing but funny behaviours. She was like mischief princess.
    Will share one which many ILs enjoyed. One day my youngest sis was doing yoga exercise on Sunday morning. She was on her back with hands and feet up in the air. All of a sudden Dolly ran to her. We all thought she was gonna jump through or sit on sis's tummy. But she slept on the floor near to sis in exact same pose and started looking at sis like what next. As srini named Shona asana. We all were ROFL.
    Have fun
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  4. deepslikes

    deepslikes Platinum IL'ite

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    My pom was also very mischievous. One of the things he used to do - come into a room and sit right under the ceiling fan and keeps on looking at us and then up at the fan, until we switched on the fan. :)
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  5. tinku

    tinku Silver IL'ite

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    Interesting stories about doggies. Nice thread again on pet forum.

    Even my doggy does the same when he has to climb stairs. He pulls near the lift and waits too close to the door to open as if a person coming out of the lift would stamp on him. Its like saying I ll come only in the lift. I dont want to even see the staircase which is just opposite to the lift.
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  6. b1985

    b1985 Bronze IL'ite

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    :) Our pets are too smart than we think they are :)...

    I have a lab who is really super smart when it comes to handling diffi situations.... for eg. there was a big pit dug in front of our house as part of gov sevas for the people and it was really very difficult for us to cross it ... we were so worried when we had to take him for a walk.. there was just two small wooden logs laid in between to commute.... and our pup .. he didnt even think much... just looked once how deep the pit is and the logs and very carefully watched his steps until he crossed the whole pit... after crossing he gave us one happy smile from the other side :thumbsup and my dad was so happy to see this... since he was worried how to carry him (he weights a bit more) ... then my dad crossed the pit with difficulty and treated our pup after reaching the other side... ofcourse our pets are more smarter than us:)

    Pets are little wonders who makes our life more happier in our daily routine...
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  7. Ribbo

    Ribbo Bronze IL'ite

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    What a great thread this is for pet lovers. :D I have a dog, he's now 4 years old. The thing is we never can open the door without him sneaking out. ! Our gate is always open because my parents have to go out often, so when ever a door is opened he goes out and runs after the people on road !! And then we have to run after the dog to catch him , just in case he bites! It's not a joke for the people who are being chased but to others who sees this every time they laugh because it's funny to watch dog chasing other people and us chasing the dog. They say it's like a marathon ! :p LOL
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  8. kelly1966

    kelly1966 Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi.. cute thread..
    Harley is a lab and his favourite item in the house is the bathroom mats.. he takes them and runs around and most of them are torn!!.. also he takes any clothing he finds and piles them under the diwan and then sits on the top of them.. all this only when he is alone..
    oneday when I returned home I found a trail of clothes he had managed to open the ironed clothes bundle and all washed and ironed clothes were scattered around the house!!! and the best part is he knows he has done something wrong so he will lie down with his head down and give such a sorrowful look that your heart melts.. such a badmaash!!!
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  9. Ecstacy

    Ecstacy New IL'ite

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    Hi prabha,

    Such a beautiful thread. It is so wonderful to read the pets's funny incidents.

    Our kitten is a naughty one. She loves it when we chase her especially when my hubby chase her. She would run here and there and hide somewhere. Few months back she found a trick to invite him to play. She would start running as if someone is chasing her. It means he should chase her and start playing. She does it only when he is around. Even if we are in serious discussion or even if he is working, when she starts running, he would start chasing her. She would run as if to save her life:rotflIt is soooo funny to watch.
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  10. easy

    easy Gold IL'ite

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    nice to read all the funny instances/behaviours of our cute little pets.

    here goes one more abt my pet chotu. Chotu the pom is reared as a pure vegetarian. We brought him as a 15 days old puppy..he used to resemble the ones which come in Raymonds ads. I had the habit of feeding vegetables ..when i used to cut it for cooking. so he started eating ladies finger, pumpkins, bottle gaurd, palak, ..his favorite veggie is tomatoes.
    I was staying in a independent house in used to buy veggies from the cart pullers. so when i go to buy veggies..this guy will religiously folow me to the cart..and will try to jump /climb the cart..stand on two all the circus.. finally he will snatch a tomato from the cart..and he wil run back to the house ;-).
    there was always a crowd on the road to watch this funny act of his stealing ;-).
    finally the shopkeeper started giving him a tomato as a tip everytime & Chotu was saved from the hardwork
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