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Keeping Healthy - The Vantage Way

Discussion in 'Keep Fit & Maintain Shape' started by lee50, Apr 13, 2010.

  1. lee50

    lee50 Silver IL'ite

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    Those were the days!
    Those were the days when we had all the time for 'Us'...
    Those were the days when we played on open grounds and walked to school without the bus!
    Those were the days when we ate as much as our mothers made us eat...
    Those were the days when the air seemed as pristine as a crystal could be!
    Those were the days when falling sick was known only for the old...

    Impact of Urbanization on Health
    These are some thoughts which come across when we get the time to ourselves. Especially true for many of us who have come to the city, leaving our fathers and forefathers in the villages behind following the perceived view of 'City is where the money is' or even just 'City is Happening'.
    Infact over half the world's population now lives in cities as they offer better employment, education, health care, and leisure culture. It is believed that by 2030, six out of every 10 people will be city dwellers. Urbanization brings with it a unique set of advantages, but at the same time challenges on health surely outweigh its positives by miles!

    Technology and Modernization in the form of various electronic gadgets have made our work faster but removed any scope of physical activity. Even our postures start getting affected with long hours of sitting jobs /computer work, leading to severe back ache problems and even migraine. We no longer grind spices & grains, likeour mothers used to, on the traditional stone crusher helping them shape their backs, stomach and arms nor do we walk anymore to work! We have our own transport to even take us to the nearest market! Most of our time at home on weekends are spent in front of TV or sitting inside movie theaters.

    Results: Technology has made our lives sedentary leading to obesity and physical inactivity. Also various studies indicate that excessive use of technology like microwave, cell phones etc can lead to cancers.

    Stress arising due to long working hours as well as inability to balance our busy lives leaves us with high levels of stress – we end up trying to relieve it either by “Stress Eating” or “partying hard” accompanied by glasses of alcohol and cigarettes. In the process we do not realize the harm we do to our already stressed bodies.
    Results: This lifestyle is taking a toll on our body clock thereby creating sleep disturbances, depression, high blood pressure as well as Obesity. Alcohol and Smoking often lead to most of cardiovascular disease, cancer, liver diseases as well as lung diseases. Moreover if you're constantly stressed out, that proves to be a major sleep killer!

    Eating out or fast foods in nearby joints have become very common. Chips, pastries, burgers, pizzas and colas have been a part of our daily diet. With working parents, lack of time is compensated with a hefty pocket money for the children. This means the youth have an increased buying capacity for fast food, restaurants and discos etc. coupled with peer pressure to indulge in such a lifestyle. Skipping breakfast has too become a norm with today's youth.
    Results: Unhealthy Diet leads to Obesity, diabetes – due to empty calorie foods and nutritional deficiencies due to imbalanced diet. Ultimately all lead to high levels of blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and also insulin resistance.

    Sleep inadequacy is a common complaint among most of us. The busy city life leaves us with very little time, until we actually dose off, only to wake up early the next day. Social parties often disturb our body clock. A good night's sleep allows our bodies to recover from the day. Proteins are synthesized during sleep, hormones are released at different stages, brain wave activity changes, organ production slows, blood pressure drops and heart rate decreases, placing less demand on the heart.
    Results: Lack of sleep is known to cause Depression, increased blood pressure and associated implications.

    Social Networking often compels us to attend parties and keep relations with people because of our perceived notion of 'we may need them sometime in our lives' or rather 'his party is very happening – is a must to attend' etc. But in the process most of us are actually left with no time for our own close relatives – who actually tend to share a bonding and stand by us when needed. Relations are only maintained over the phone or maybe a chat network. When was the last time we actually visited our grandmother or our beloved aunt who stays in the same city??

    Results: Those were the times when villages lived together for each other, while the high rise concrete jungle of the cities leave us feeling lonely and finally leading to depression. To beat this loneliness we often tend to lean towards drinking, smoking and at times drugs. And the vicious cycle continues!

    Environmental effects are a result of more and more industries which release large amounts of wastes and pollutants. Almost every city today complains of heavy traffic and resultant incidence of lung related disorders due to the heavy pollution. Gone are the days when we could breathe clean and pristine air. Today even doctors advice us to take a break and move out of the city life to feel the fresh air.

    Results: Pollution, dust and chemical lead to asthma; lung disorders as well and stomach infections due to polluted water and vegetation.

    Get off 10 - 15 minutes away from your office and walk to reach work.
    Listen to music / read your favorite book while travelling to relieve Stress
    “Health is Wealth” is what our grandparents always told!

    Mid day snacks with Fruits / Vege sticks,
    Refined Flour with whole Grain Cereals,
    Aerated Drinks with Fresh Juices,

    Burgers with a vegetable sandwich, frying with baking.


    In case you have overeaten or partied too much a particular day, best is to have a very light dinner the next day.
    This could comprise of soups and pulses + vege salad / fruits and 1 bowl
    of curd.

    Fashion among men and women, tattoos, colored hair surely indicate signs of a modern city life. Not many are aware of the damage caused due to these fashion moves. Tatoos aid infections and in some cases cancer. Women using strong chemicals on their skin and hair tend to leave them with a lot of damage like hair loss, pre-mature greying and skin problems.
    Today, the number of people who think that big cities bring happiness is rapidly decreasing, whereas the number of people who fear and worry about developments in cities is gradually increasing. It is time to wake up and understand why teens are susceptible to diseases which were unheard of, even a decade ago? Who would have imagined youngsters suffering from heart ailments, diabetes, liver diseases or obesity? These dreaded diseases are fueled by factors like diet, rising incomes and the modern lifestyle. Smoking, drug abuse, alcohol and lack of physical exercise also play their parts in the promotion of these diseases. All these factors can be related to the impact of Urbanization on our Health, but with small changes in our lifestyle, we can protect our Health from these changes.
    Have you ever wondered what "living a healthy lifestyle" actually means? Do you ever feel that there are unrealistic standards related to improving your health - or just downright confusion about how to improve your health? The first idea is that we all get of a healthy lifestyle in today's world is 'maintaining a certain weight' (Thanks to Kareena's Size Zero impact!) or 'eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day'. But these can be defined as health goals and not define what living a healthy lifestyle is.

    This will help you with small and practical step to a Healthy Lifestyle:

    ‘Moderation Mantra’ – Eating, working, resting, playing, maintaining hobbies, socializing or even use of technology, it should all be done in Moderation
    ‘Schedule System’ – Make note of your schedule. This will help you concentrate on
    important activities and meet deadlines. Thus you can lessen your stress in a way! Also 'Learn to say No'- Don't take on more work or personal responsibilities than you can actually handle.
    ‘Eating right is living right’ – Everything that goes in from you mouth – shows up on your body! Hence eat well and healthy. Moreover learn to cook healthy. Try roasting /grilling/steaming instead of frying. Though it is said 5 portions of fruits/ salad per day – practically, try to include atleast 3 portions of salad / fruits in the day. 'Hydrate' yourself through the day with lots of water to flush the toxins.
    ‘Exercise regularly if you can’ – Else just go for a short walk everyday – anytime or do Yoga. Most importantly, exercise your eyes regularly, especially if you spend a lot of time in front of the computer. And if time does not permit any of these - Walk up stairways instead of taking the lift. Also try to maintain simple techniques of 'right posture' and 'right movements'.
    ‘Power Sleep’ – Yes 8 hours is a must but you can have power naps when possible. Like when travelling, or when you are too tired to even concentrate on your work.
    ‘Lighten up’ – Cultivate your spiritual side. Try your hands on deep breathing and Meditation. It not only helps you relax but also improves your concentration power. Meditation also has been proven to reduce blood pressure and depression.
    ‘Go for regular medical check-ups’ – If you have any health problems, talk to your doctor. Don't forget to take a second opinion.
    ‘Socialize positively’ – Maintain a good social life. Maintain healthy relations with close ones. Share your sorrows and laugh together in happiness.
    ‘Fashion Free’ – Go for comfort over fashion. Women can avoid heels that hurt. Also try the natural henna to color you hair, instead of harmful fashion colors.
    ‘Go Green' Plant a tree or maybe some plants at home to improve the air around you. It may just remind you of the fresh air of your village!

    Your personal decisions and choices on how you take small and practical steps in your life are part of your lifestyle:
    Most of us today are atleast aware of the basics on healthy habits but as we work on our healthy eating habits, it is important that we think beyond the food itself, and consider our overall wellness. Increasing awareness of our body, thoughts and emotions as we eat is often referred to as “eating
    mindfully” – and becomes an essential element of our personal wellness.

    Eating 5 Clovesof Garlic daily helps fight Heart diseases

    Soybeans is an excellent source of vegetarian protein. Try replacing
    meat pieces by Soya chunks!

    Pulses have been significantly associated with reductions in cancer.

    Turmeric (Haldi),an ingredient in common Indian spice has proven facts to help reduce cancer.

    If you really want to know the very best health tip - Remember then it just would be to change your diet. As grave as the problem might seem, it doesn't require any drastic measures. Small, positive changes will surely do miracles in the long way
    1 person likes this.

  2. Priya_Mommy

    Priya_Mommy Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks for sharing wonderful article.
  3. healthonmove

    healthonmove Gold IL'ite

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    “The higher you go on illicit drugs, the farther and harder you will fall. Irregular work habits, absenteeism, poor work output, , misbehavior & insubordination, frequent complaints, salary deductions, loss of pay, sacking, unemployment, difficulty on re-acquiring job, frequent change of jobs will be your occupational hazards.

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