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Mom's of baby girls pls help

Discussion in 'Infants' started by Amti4u, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Amti4u

    Amti4u New IL'ite

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    Hello MOms...

    Im mom of 10 month old girl.. I always use Pampers for her.. will change 3-4 a day.. while changing I will clean her with warm water and soap...

    Is it safe???????

    When I bath her I always see some black color in her private part.. Is it normal???

    Please moms... waiting for reply..

  2. butterflyice

    butterflyice Local Champion Staff Member Platinum IL'ite

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    Welcome to IL!

    I think you should check with a doctor about the black color. Its normal for private parts to be darker at this age and also to have discharge, but I am not sure if that's what you are referring to. Please check with doctor.

    Based on your place of residence, if I may suggest, diapers and the Indian climate specifically the hot humid climate in Southern India do not go together. I learnt it the hard way. Its far more comfortable for the baby to wear cotton panties. Helps in early toilet training too :)
  3. yellowmango

    yellowmango IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Op....just wash with lukewarm water .Do not rub .
    Dark color is ok....a bit of discharge is ok.If she is not scratching or complaining.....it is fine.Also check if the smell is normal.Mention it to the doctor on your next visit if you are still worried.

    I had my daughters in hot and humid place.They used to be in their cotton panties all the time ....left on the cool floor.I used to pad them up with cotton inner liners when they were on the bed but checked them and changed them the moment they were wet.Using diapers while sleeping or when you take them out is fine. Other times,at home....just cotton nappy or panties is fine. Do dry the nappies or panties in the sun and iron them before use if possible.

    You can get her an attractive potty and encourage her to use it.Don't force...just encourage to use and if she does....then reward her with praise and hugs.

    I was a stay at home mom ...so I would take them to the bathroom and make them do it on the big pot(with the baby attachment)....every 2-3 hrs.If they did...it was good...if not...no problem. The point to remember is not to force...then they become likee stubborn little mules.
  4. Harini73

    Harini73 Platinum IL'ite

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    Any particular reason you are keeping her in diaper.

    From 8th month my baby was in normal panties only during day time.Only during night time I used diaper for her. So I may not be the correct person to answer your question.

    But regarding black spot discuss with her doctor to be on the safer side.

  5. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    She is 10 months, so it is better to potty train her now than later. I have an 18 month old girl.
    She has been potty trained at the age of 7-8 months. In fact, it is just a 1/2 potty training as they don't really understand what does potty means at that small age. So, you really need to work hard to get them learn.

    For my girl, either my mom, care-taker or myself (I am a working mom) constantly take her to her toilet seat/room every 20 mins or so. We do it consistently, and eventually she learned it.

    Now at the age of 18 months, she tells us that she has this urge for urination or toilet. So, we help her go there.

    We use diapers only at night, that too after 11 pm to 5 am (that is the time we go to bed). But she sleeps at 8 PM to 7 Am. Since she goes to potty several times before she sleeps, so very rarely she wets the bed. Since her bed time is too long, for a safe side we use a nappy anyway.

    I don't want to use a nappy during day-hot times due to the hot-humid weather. Also, she develops this nappy rash if I constantly use a nappy (for travelling or so). To which I use a nappy cream and mostly leave her private area clean and dry covered by a thin- lose cotton panty.

    Her private area is dark, but it is normal i guess.
  6. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    Hi OP

    For darker spots, You should definitely check with doctor. With out looking, no one can guess what kind it is.

    My girl is about same age, I wash her with warm water mostly and use light liquid soap (thats what we mostly use in US) in between. It is same thing as we have giving her bath...so I think it should be safe. Just do not use a lot of soap..for your peace of mind.

    Also, I use lot of aquaphor or vaseline on her diaper area. I do not know how it will work in hot/humid weather that I will know when I am in india this summer.

    As everyone said, in indian hot/humid atmosphere, use less diapers and give her more air time in between. when not in diapers, you can use some bed-wetting sheets to protect.
  7. VanithaSudhir

    VanithaSudhir Platinum IL'ite

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    Please do not use soap to wash. Using soap in the private part will make the skin dry and burn it. Maybe the black part you see is a diaper rash that must have been unnoticed and dried out. Wash only with normal tepid water.
    And as others pointed out.. Stop using diapers in the daytime. You can take her to washroom every 1 or 2 hrs( you will get an idea how many times she goes within a day or two) and use diaper only while sleeping or taking out.
    Apply Vaseline before you put diaper ..so that the skin is protected. Again washing with a warm water is more than sufficient to remove the traces of Vaseline also.
    Do show it to her pediatrician..

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