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Please suggest some home remidies for Depression

Discussion in 'Health Issues' started by babyvalue, Dec 15, 2009.

  1. babyvalue

    babyvalue New IL'ite

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    Hi Friends

    Please suggest some home remedies for depression. Since last few days my husband is feeling very depressed. He is having sleepless nights, mild headache, loss of appetite. We went to the doctor & did a complete check up like ECG, Chest X-Ray & blood test. All came out well. Only his BP is elivated 144/99. He is taking BP tab ( 5mg only).
    From my side I am trying my best to support him mentally. Some of the reasons i could figure out is as follows.. Please give your suggestions

    1. Last 2 months we travelled a lot internationally. Our bodies have been through different time zones.

    2. My husband has a high profile job into IT sector with investment bank.. so work related stress is also there. But he really enjoys his work & is very successful professionally.

    3. My MIL is a big issue between us. She is always trying to squeeze her son financially. She basically wants me to be with her & take care of things like a maid & her son will work & send all his salary to her ( please note they dont have any financial problems . they are very well to do family.). Always she will start talking about how iresponsible I am . She always forgets whatever work I have done but will create an issue with the one or two tasks not done. When I visit my in laws I get up at 5 in the morning & work all day upto late night taking care of all their needs still she has complains. My SIL is a regular visitor in my in laws place. She stays there almost 11 months round the year. They create all misunderstandings.

    4. We are married for last 6 years. Trying too have a baby since last 2 1/2 years but it did not happen. Physically as per doctors we both dont have any problems which will stop us from concieving.

    Please advise friends ... Need your help

  2. LemonLime

    LemonLime Senior IL'ite

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    Hi babyvalue,

    Its a bit late to post this but its my first time in the food section in IndusLadies so I apologise if its a late reply to your post!

    Your problem seems to require more than a home remedy for depression.
    Truth is there is no cure-all food for depression - or if anyone has it please do tell me! :)

    First off thanks for listing out what has been causing this depression here. From there I can try to suggest what I can.

    1. Travelling through different time zones can fatigue your body. It seems that perhaps you and your husband might be still suffering from extended jet lag.
    The best way to beat jet lag is to have a very solid waking and sleep routine even after you have landed, especially immediately after travelling. Sometimes jet lag extends for a long time.
    Try to have a solid 8 - 9 hour sleep a night, sleeping at the same time and waking at the same time everyday.
    If you have difficulty sleeping at a fixed time (perhaps too early or too late before/past your bedtime) - an hour before your sleep time (i.e. Sleep time is 10pm, so meaning at 9pm) do not stimulate yourself with any tv, computer, video games, things which you do during the daytime. Do not drink anything with caffeine which can stimulate and keep you awake such as tea or coffee. A good drink is warm milk with sprinkled cinnamon or nutmeg - do not put sugar or you will encourage tooth decay.
    Play soft music or read a book. Try to have soft lighting (buy a lamp instead of using flourescent lighting) to encourage sleepiness.
    Another tip is to use the bed only for night activites - such as sleep. Do not do work, watch tv, etc on the bed. This will train your brain to see the bed and prepare itself for 'sleep'.

    2. Work related stress is very common and will always be an inevitability regardless of the job, especially more if it is a time or resource demanding job.
    A good idea would be to encourage your husband to keep work during work hours ONLY and not entertain work related phone calls or work unless absolutely necessary. If he needs to do work - do it at the work place until he is done or leave it for the next day.
    This is because the body and mind needs a haven to relax and if he is constantly doing work everywhere 24/7 with no routine or fixed time work tensions will be constant and he will not have an opportunity to wind down after work.
    Allow him to wind down after work by giving him a snack or drink when he gets home, plumping out the couch or giving him a neck/back massage to relieve his tension. Peppermint or eucalyptus oil is a good back relaxant.
    You can also light relaxing incense or lavender essential oils so that he is placed in a relaxed mood.
    If he wants to, encourage him to speak about his frustrated day. If not, do not press it out of him.
    Sometimes even if a person enjoys a job or is successful at it doesn't mean he won't face stress. He could be overworking himself still and not allowing himself to get off 'work mode'. Perhaps coming home he keeps thinking about work and it clashes with home problems such as mother/family issues.
    You can discuss with him later in the week but try not to discuss these things in the beginning of the week as most of the time work people have "monday blues" and are most grumpy in the beginning of the week.

    Going for short walks or short exercise is also very beneficial as it is proven to release tension, release 'feel-good' stress busting serotonin and dopamine - natural body stimulants.
    It is also a good bonding exercise with your husband as a good bond between husband and wife and doing activities with one another also boosts positivity and confidence levels which your husband might be lacking right now.

    Diet is also important.
    If your diet is carb-heavy (i.e potatoes, rice, bread, etc) it can contribute to depression and fatigue as well. Try to have more veggies and fresh salads and not have very carb heavy meals - for example, if you are making aloo paratha do not make another aloo dish because it is very carb heavy, aloo + aloo is bad. Make a ghobi dish, with pickle and maybe a side of fresh salad.
    Keep sugar levels low as well. Too much sugar is bad.

    If your husband drinks, try to limit the alcohol as well. Alcohol is never good with depression so either keep out completely or limit to one a day.

    Ensure you and your husband has the proper vitamins and minerals. Lack of vitamins can contribute to depression because bodily functions are compromised.
    Take a multi-vitamin every morning after a good breakfast and fish oil. If you are vegetarian there are artificial fish oil tablets which also provide the same benefits.

    Most importantly, let your husband know he is not alone with his depression and you are there with him to ride out his depression.
    Another feel good hormone is called oxytoxin. Often it is called a 'cuddle hormone' because it is released when we feel love, comfort and trust. Spending time with him, hearing his problems, proper alone time to cuddle and do couple things - hold hands, hugging, watching stars, having simple but intimate moments - is very important as well to boost the strength of your marriage and its positive effect on him.

    Some other relaxants can include:

    - Green tea (remember no teas late at night or an hour before bed time.)
    - Yoga
    - Breathing exercises
    - St. John's wort - it is a natural herbal relaxant also said to relieve stress. It can be found in health stores or supermarket health aisles as pills.
    - Kava - a herbal remedy which is found in pills. It helps to loosen a person's inhibitions naturally and relieve tension.
    - Mediation
    - Guided Imagery: imagine yourself achieving goals like becoming healthier and more relaxed, doing well at tasks, and handling conflict in better ways.


    Hopefully you have been successful since you have posted with conceiving.
    If not, most likely it is stress on you and your husband which is creating problems for conceiving.

    Stress can create problems with a man's ability to create otherwise healthy 'product' which impregnates a woman.
    For a woman it could also be an issue, as I'm sure you are also stressed and tensioned seeing your husband suffering depression.

    So start by tackling the stress issues before you try to conceive.
    Once you start trying, try to track your ovulation periods when your body is producing eggs to maximise your success in conceiving.

    I hope I have helped in some way.
    Good luck!
  3. LemonLime

    LemonLime Senior IL'ite

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    Hi there,

    I forgot to add about your MIL!

    Please do not let your MIL's comments harm you.
    If possible, allow it to go off you like water on a duck's back. Don't allow her to use her words to hurt or harm your marriage.

    The more you react to her words, the more she will see it causes a reaction and she will do it more.

    Perhaps you have to have more separate lives from your in-laws.
    If possible get your husband to not send all his salary to them but give them a percentage as a respect to them.

    As they are well-to-do it seems more of a power issue than anything else.

    Tell your husband to keep them out of his head for the time being and focus on both your problems first.
    If possible, try to keep more of a routine - do not make surprise 'visits' to your in-laws and try to keep it more of a solid routine.
    This allows you to be more in control of your marriage as you need to so you have handle your problems.
  4. Godschild

    Godschild Silver IL'ite

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    Apple is very valuable in treating depression. Take the fruit with milk and honey. This will act as a very effective nerve tonic.
  5. PrityGP

    PrityGP Senior IL'ite

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    Hi Babyvalue,

    May God restore your peace of mind and bestow you with a healthy kid soon.

    LemonLime has responded with a complete and effective advice. It covers almost all aspects of your problem.


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