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One Best Thing About your Friend...

Discussion in 'Friends & Neighbours' started by chillbreeze, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. chillbreeze

    chillbreeze Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Friends are an integral part of our life. They are the ones that help us get through tough times, encourage us, laugh with us, are our partners in our silly/funny moments and know us as well as we know about ourselves.

    Let's celebrate this friendship day by sharing the one best thing you like about your friend.

    Inviting my IL friends here @priyasrini @madhuprabha @jingi92 @stillwaters @guesshoo @shanvy
    Sindhuja12, sindmani, unique and 3 others like this.

  2. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    @chillbreeze dear I know without invitation also I can come here. Actually today I wanted to write a thread about friends on a different concept but glad to post here about my close friend

    It is not important to have long friend list on facebook and whatsapp .
    But it is important to have at least one friend who can read your face as a book and ask “What’s up”

    I have a friend who can read my face and ask whats wrong and tries to help me out. Our friendship started when we were in school in the year 1957and till today we are in touch. Earlier we used to keep in touch through phone but now through Whatsup through which we can chat anytime whenwe are on line.

    What I like about her is she is a rich person but became friend with me. We used to study together from 7th Std to X Std. in her house , one hour play and one hour study . Though rich she is down to earth and always ready to help. At that time we were not in a good financial condition she used to help in so many things, give her dresses to wear, take me by car to school everyday. She had a separate room and those 4 years we spent everyday two hours in that room. Her whole family treated me like a family member. After schooling she paid fees for typing class and because of that only I got a job as a Typist and then through promotion I became Steno and then Senior Assistant.

    Every garden must have a rose ,every face must have a smile, every grass must have some dew , and every person must have a friend like her.
    Don’t expect your friend to be a perfect person but , help your friend to become a perfect person that’s true friendship .Mother Teresa.

    godsgp, paru123, gayuraam and 8 others like this.
  3. chillbreeze

    chillbreeze Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks @Iyerviji mam for sharing about your friend here. Finding such true friendships that last for a lifetime is indeed a great blessing.
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  4. SujathaR

    SujathaR Gold IL'ite

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    I have a friend named Poornima who knows all about me. BTW, she is the only one who knows all abt me and there is no secret between us.

    We are still friends from childhood.
  5. madhuprabha

    madhuprabha Gold IL'ite

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    Hi CB,
    Glad to be tagged.
    I crave for friendship. It feels like an anchor in this world. Though I can count my friends on my fingers, I know i can rely on them to give me a shoulder to cry/lean on.
    My DH is more of a friend than a H. He forgives me everything. In my office someone once said, to my DH i am the whole world. But since he talks very less, (some days I can count the no. of sentences he talks to me, which irritates me no end) I know he is there for me, come rain or sunshine.
    The same is the case with my MOM. She is the only other person(other than my DH) with whom i can literally let down my hair. It is only with them that i can be myself.
    In the past one year, when I was going through a severe personal crises, I found a another gem of a person, whom I can say is also my best friend.
    But coming to IL, I can safely say that, my best friends are almost everyone with whom I have interacted.
    But forgive me if I can list a few of them (without offending the others) @chillbreeze, @priyasrini, @helpmeangel, @lathasv, @jingi92, @workingwoman, @gitasharma, @suryakala
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  6. helpmeangel

    helpmeangel Platinum IL'ite

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    hi @madhuprabha

    thanks for tagging me. am honored to be considered your friend dear hugsmiley.
    from IL I have got 2-3 good friends whom I keep in touch even out of IL. I can reach out to them whenever I have a problem or not.

    Friends from school/college, well, most are in different countries and hence interaction is very less these days..only through facebook and whatsapp, which I do not consider the way to interact. But life's changing and people change accordingly. Oh, I hope my post is not too pessimistic.

    A very happy friendship day to all!
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  7. chillbreeze

    chillbreeze Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Sujatha, hopi, madhu and HMA, hope you all had a good time yesterday. Madhu, I too have few close friends but they make a world of difference to me. The thing I like most about my friend/friends is their understanding about me. I don't have to explain myself or my acts and can be the real me without worrying what they will think about me.
    2 people like this.
  8. suryakala

    suryakala IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear @madhuprabha sister,

    Thanks for remembering me on Friendship Day in IL.

    Friends are those who are with us just out of their and our choice. While all other relationships come out or exist for a reason, this relationship is one which exists, because of what you are and what they are! The moment this nature changes, the friendship ceases and a friend is no more a friend but just an acquaintance!

    I am so happy that IL is a forum that provides opportunity for just that!

    I am so happy to have met you here, interact with you and appreciate you as madhuprabha.

    God bless IL and our friendship.

    sindmani and madhuprabha like this.
  9. Lathasv

    Lathasv IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi @madhuprabha
    Glad to be your friend.:)
    I believe
    friends are those
    They see your pain in your eyes
    While everyone else believes
    your smile.
    I have few friends but I can share anything with them. Without telling how am I they can find about me.4 years back really I was in deep pain that time they gave me moral support a lot to come out from that sad situation. I ever never forget those 2 friends in my life. Feel like lucky to have them as friends .
    Thank You for tagging and got this an opportunity to share about my friends @madhuprabha :)
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  10. Lathasv

    Lathasv IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks to IL for giving good friends like@madhuprabha and others.:)
    1 person likes this.

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