IVF/ ICSI Process in India

Discussion in 'Fertility & Trying to Conceive' started by Maggilg, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. Maggilg

    Maggilg Senior IL'ite

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    Hello Ladies,

    We been thorough IVF/ICSI route in UK twice with negative outcome. Planning to try IVF in chennai. From my understandng after meeting different IVF Clinics in chennai during my last India visit, all doctors seemed to go for short protocol or somthing called antagonist protocol for poor responders and don't seem to support the long protocol like in UK. Will be thankful if ladies here explain me the process of IVF in India(Esp. in chennai) from start to ET. What medicines,protocol they use how they communicate the eggs collected,fertilised and its progress and about ET and the food diet during IVF?

  2. happyperson

    happyperson Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Maggilg

    I underwent IVF once in India but in Kerala. They also followed Antagonist protocol. They told us about the number of eggs retrieved, number fertilized. But not on the embryo quality or pictures. As my experience, communication was okay but we need to keep asking.

    Hope it works out! Best of Luck!
  3. WiniPooh

    WiniPooh Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Magg.... The antogonist protocol was used for me in the second time around and was more successful. First time around was the long protocol, which did succeed, but sadly didnt cross the 8the week. From the analysis done by multiple researchers, the antogonist method has been found to be a lot more successful for people with possible sperm fragmentation issues. My doc felt that in the normallong cycle, the standard dosage of medication could haave fried the eggs too much and so in the antigonist cycle the difference is that the dosage is incremented really slow plus in addition there is an aspect of controlling the FSH a little more thereby ensuring better eggs in the process. Once the eggs reach a mature level, they are extracted and the ICSI process is initiated by injecting the best sperms into the egg. My doc firmly believes in the d5 transfer of the balstocyst to be more successful, so waited it out till then and did the ET just as the embryo reached the blastocyst stage. Post that daily it was support with progestrone shots till week 16 and twice a week shots of HCG till week 12. The beta is done 10 days after the ET to understand if the implantation has happened and another week after that to test if there is a positive pregnancy with the visibility of the gsac. On the diet, tehre were some restrictions on specific high potassium items mentioned, but other than that normal food with fruits and vegatables, lot sof water to hydrate your body and tons of positive thoughts :)

    I am not too aware of doctors at Chennai (though I hail from there and my experience was a little too mixed with most of the fertility specialists whom I took a second/ third/ fourth opinion from) but yes, if you are loooking for recommendations at Bangalore, can definately help with the same.

    I do understand that after 2 IVF processes, its really difficult to mentally and physically pull urself together, but please remember this is a journey which has a positive ending. So yes if you are able to convince your heart and mind to take the journey in a positive mode, only positive things will happen. Keep the faith and best wishes to you!
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