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The Andromeda Poodle

Discussion in 'Cheeniya's Senile Ramblings' started by Cheeniya, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    The awesome Hubble keeps proving every day the immortal lines of Tennyson,
    ‘Knowledge is like a sinking star
    Beyond the utmost bounds of human thought’
    The more it peers into the distant galaxies and comes out with mindboggling discoveries, the more seems to lie beyond its probing eyes. It is now established beyond doubt that water is not an exclusive asset of our planet Earth and there may be thousand other celestial bodies having water. Hubble has now zeroed in on five such planets beyond our solar system and with this finding, the existence of life in other celestial bodies appears to be no more a speculative possibility but a near certainty.

    Being a Moderator of the Good to Read Forum, I am privy to several interesting thoughts conveyed by our erudite members. I know now that bad karma may cause us to be reborn as a lesser being but the redeeming feature is that there is a chance of our ending up as a poodle in a billionaire’s home. With a little bit of luck we may even earn a spot in the ‘Life style of the Rich and Famous Poodles’. Then there is my much loved sister who keeps talking about her next Janma in which she would be this or that. Discussions like if death is the beginning or the end seem to confirm the possibility of another life after death. I even hear of Punarapi Jananam, Punarapi Maranam from Sankara’s Bhaja Govindam being quoted freely. So I have reconciled myself to another life after the current one ends and I have already started speculating on what it will be like. I am not new to this kind of speculation. People who are familiar with my life know that I was an Executive of State Bank and was being tossed around all my life in the name of transfers. Every time I got a transfer order, I would start speculating on how the new place would be. Internet was unknown those days and so speculating without any external aid used to be fun.

    Where was I? Oh, yes Hubble and its discoveries! This is where my problem starts. In all our speculations, we have been assuming that we may be reborn as a poodle in a billionaire’s family, grandson of our granddaughter, a cricketer who will smash all records of Tendulkar or a god man with an enviable harem! Simpler souls like me may wish for another stint with IL as an improved Cheeniya. In all these speculations, the predominant assumption is that our rebirth will happen within the planet Earth. Now that Hubble has stymied us with its startling discovery of the possible existence of several other life supporting astral bodies, our speculative process is in shambles. I immediately recalled all the scriptures that I had read in the past which talked of the cycle of life and death. They were all united in their averment of a rebirth but on the question of where that rebirth would be, they were silent. Mum is the word as they say in modern parlance. But it is quite understandable since all these interstellar explorations are all a much later development.

    With this new-found knowledge gleaned from Hubble’s findings, I am able to put two and two together. I have always had a fascination for sci-fi movies in general and the aliens with their awesome powers in particular. Every sci-fi movie used to leave an everlasting impression on my mind. How come these guys from outer space have a level of intelligence that is infinite times greater than ours is the question I ask myself very often. When I saw Walt Disney’s ‘Cat from the Outer Space’, my frustration touched its peak that we were no match even for the cats from other worlds. Now I seem to get it all slowly. So these were all earthlings in their past birth and landed in different galaxies in accordance with the magnitude of their Karma. Nondescript sinners were consigned back to earth to lead again an uneventful life. The poodle from the billionaire’s stock went to the Andromeda for greater exposure in its next life but not as a poodle but as a cat. If the dumb earthling poodle can come back as the awesome cat from the outer space, you can imagine how advanced the level of education must be in alien universities.

    Once this knowledge becomes public, no one is going to aspire for rebirth in this lowly planet. Like the brain drain we had witnessed here when the West opened its gates, there would be soul–drain to the outer space. There would be no more talk about what one would like to be in their next birth here. Instead people would start browsing through the astronomical atlas to zero in on their destination in the next birth. Special prayers would be performed in pursuance of this dream. There will be no RIP messages but only Bon Voyage wishes. Of course, a lot of details will have to be worked out about the logistics and communication though a solution can be found only by those who have shifted to the Outer Space. Things look brighter. At least, death will no more be a much feared prospect!
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    1. latharaj
  2. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    My dearest Anna

    I am here with my first fb. I dont know of late I am thinking of death . I know it is not in our hands. If we think of death or if we ask God to take us away soon , He will take us only when our times comes which I know very well. Might be my death is nearing thats why I think of death. Or Imight live for 100 years too, dont know. For my dh I am sure he wont have any rebirth because that much of punya he has done in this birth and I being his better half will get half the punya. I dont know how much punya I have done , so I might have rebirth . Of late I think if I have rebirth I should come back to this same family as a grand daughter or grandson to my son and dil. Have waited for 8 yrs so I think only if I go they will have a child. When my sis in law left this world , after 3 months her daughter got married and immediately got pregnant and she wanted her mother to come back to her. But she got a son. I have lived life to the fullest , so no regrets

    I read your post twice and some things I did not understand , so will wait for others to give fb to understand. Now a days my brain is not working properly.:)
  3. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Cheeniya sir,

    I am reminded of a couple of things as I read your snippet. One, my earlier phone was set to a tone of going "Drooid" in a spooky kind of way which always brought giggles from my young students and soon I was joking with them telling that everytime the phone went like that, I feel aliens are calling me! Now, the current phone throws out a small whistle like a little bird and they still don't know that the tone is changed and that is also some what spooky and I have something ready for the kids.

    In conversation with a friend who does not believe in rebirth, as in as a staunch Christian and I wanted to know where she thought we come from her perspective and I did make a naive comment of "Boy, if there is no rebirth I wonder how big that heaven and hell must be for they are holding all this passed on souls from God knows when". She was super amused that I thought we would retain this big frame as we passed on or were appearing to one another this big and that I could not imagine a dot, or a small flame or some such thing to represent us. Honestly sir, I hadn't thought like that at all.

    Speaking of rebirth sir, I have never paused to think about it - I am still understanding the nature of this birth, the same personality and the different manifestations it takes on with different people and the different way it gets perceived by different people. But I am learning to kind of write off all the relationships good or bad as a result of previous birth. I know we should look ahead but in this regard, I am only able to look past. I do wonder if I want to be a better me? A better me with same people might make sense but a even a better me with a whole set of different people might make total non sense. Am I not creating newer debts and this and that. So, no sir I have not thought of next birth at all but I have always wondered about parallel universes. I believe some how ( I don't know how) there must be some kind of evolutionary process as we pass through more of different stages as we pass on. We may just not be aware of it. And sir we all know we only can speak of life as we know it! We have been having a good discussion and enjoying some videos as well in a new thread http://www.indusladies.com/forums/education-and-personal-growth/239982-round-the-table-discuss.html and my amazement only has increased multifold looking at all those videos (specifically about mind altering fungus and things like that). I think the intelligence we call as God is still way beyond our comprehension and it seems to be just to enjoy what we have now and enjoy the other worlds as we pass through them, be it as a poodle or as an angel.

    But sir, this topic is interesting don't be surprised if I come back again with another FB.
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  4. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Sri,

    On reading the thread, first impression that came to me is about Tennyson and acquiring knowledge and thought it is connected to some literary topic. Then Hubbble.....I had to google to know about him and his findings. Then it dawned to me what is it all about. Punarjanma, whether on this planet or an alien planet! Our Puranas never thought about this alien aspect.

    First I am not sure if rebirth is there or not, still wobbling whether to believe or not. May or may not. Not made up my mind yet. Death would come to all of us ultimately...uninvited, unannounced and unwanted (if somebody wants they are enlightened souls, I am not writing about them). After death what we would be in next birth is a bit scary thought. All of us might have done some deeds which should not have been done. According to that Karma, I never want to become a dog or cat, even in the richest of family in the wildest of my dreams! The thought itself is scary!

    Now you have raised one more angle to it...as an alien. Earth is a known entity, other planets...a big NO. Mysterious things are scary (that's why death is scary) and I do not want to even imagine.
    So, after reading the whole thing (thrice) I came to the conclusion that leave the topic of punarjanma and try to be peaceful in this janma.If we are o.k with people around us, being able to do things for ourselves which make us happy and not hurt others in that process that is fine. What will be will be.

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  5. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Viji
    Fortunately for me, I have quite a few relatives who are in their '90s. My MIL who is living with me is 96. No one thinks of his own end when he is surrounded by such death resistant nonagenarians. He thinks he is a teenager in comparison. And foolish though it may be, we all consider death as a chronologically arranged event. So that gives us a breather!

    You are very right in saying that death is not in our hands. I have hardly come across anyone who died because of some fatal problem in his hands. Thinking of death from time to time is good for spiritual progress. According to me, dying now or living up to 100 years are both not very desirable. I say this emphatically after watching the agonising existence of my MIL. It is certainly not worth it at all.

    Being born in the same family again and again can be a big bore. I would like to be born in different continents in each birth and savour the colourful living conditions in different places! Different strokes!
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  6. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Srama
    Talking of spooky ringtones, I must tell you this. The other day, I was taking a walk and a young man was following me. Suddenly I heard him telling me in a loud and clear voice, ‘Calling you da idiot!’ I froze in my tracks. He was just in his ‘20s and the liberty he took to claim my attention this way was not palatable to me at all. I wheeled around to register my annoyance only to see him picking up his mobile and answering his caller. That was his caller tune!

    In the absence of any tangible proof, rebirth can only be a question of personal belief. But it is fun dwelling on the subject and fantasizing. It can be used to establish a permanent link with our families as my sister does with extreme fondness or to explore new lands and people as I do. But your question to your friend about the possibility of the heavens bursting at its seams if all of us end up there is a good one. Even assuming that we may be miniaturized before we gain our entry into the heavens, paucity of living space is bound to arise sooner or later. We need to ponder over this further.

    I fully agree with you that there is so much to understand about our present birth and the course that it is taking. This itself could be a rebirth and that can be the starting point to try and understand the several riddles of our present life. The scholars say that the ‘manushya janma’ is itself a big blessing since it gives us an opportunity to redeem ourselves from all our Karmic balance by leading a righteous life. If such a blessing is bestowed on us purely to redeem ourselves by the powers that be, then what is it that pushes us to act against this spirit and go back to a brutal existence that might take us back to the bottom of the life cycle again? I remember the snakes and ladder game that we used to play on the Vaikunta Ekadasi nights in my childhood. As we progress towards the heavens in this game, one wrong toss of the dice might land us in the hungry mouth of a long snake that would take us to the starting point!

    There are still a lot of vexing questions Srama. Right now the Karmic theory appears foolproof and our minds are conditioned to accept it through generations of utter faith. Who can say man’s spiritual evolution is complete yet?
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  7. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Syamala
    An honest response so very typical of you! You strike me as a very uncomplicated person with your ideas of life very clearly defined. You always feel secure with pursuing the middle course and that gives you an endearing aura.

    Coming to the question of rebirth, nobody can say if it is there or not there. Even those who believe in it cannot really say how the whole system operates with any amount of certainty except repeating what they have learned from the scriptures. I am no exception. All that I am doing is to play the parrot that repeats what it hears! Yet, rebirth is a fascinating subject to speculate on. I started speculating on it at the spiritual level only after I crossed 60. Before that I was using it only to ponder over what the obnoxious people I encountered in my life would have been in their previous birth!

    'Trying to be peaceful in this janma'. Golden words, Syamala! A very sane approach indeed! I'll say 'Amen' to it.
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  8. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Cheeniya Sir,

    What a wonderful projection of future of the dead! No wonder, you have concluded that death will no longer be a much feared prospect. I still laugh every now and then when I think of the scene in the movie "Mars Attacks" in which the Chief of military of the United States welcoming the Martians on behalf of the planet earth and miniature Martians coming out of their spacecraft with transparent lush green bodies with all printed circuit boards inside their head visible to the naked eyes.

    Poodle birth in the house of the billionaire is still not a bad option after all. I know of a wealthy individual in Miami died 4-5 years ago leaving all of his wealth in favor of his dog including the Bungalow in which he lived. Now the trustees of his private trust has 5 employees working round the clock to maintain the Bungalow and schedule the day for his dog including breakfast, lunch, dinner, massage, swimming, walking, etc.

    When I was young, I remember reading a book "Chariots of the Gods: Unsolved mysteries of the past written by Erich Von Daniken describing with evidence from Epics and other scriptures available throughout the world that planet earth was indeed visited by several aliens. He described that Asthrams described in Ramayana and Mahabharatha were actually Atomic Bombs and in the days when there was no cranes available to move large boulders, it would not have been possible for human beings to build Pyramids and Chinese Wall without the help of celestial beings. Citing of unidentified flying objects are being discussed every week in television shows even today. Hopefully, someday, science will prove a material left behind by celestial beings in the planet earth is not from this beautiful planet.

    Planet earth is not lagging behind in technological development. There is research conducted now for stopping the aging of human beings. As you already know, stem cell research has already clearly established that it is perfectly possible to clone human beings in future with the help of a stem cell. In the book "Einstein's Enigma", the author declares that the intention of the Creator is to make the human beings capable of doing His function on their own. My son tells me that there is intense research now to transmit electricity wirelessly from place to place. There is a possibility that solar panels will be placed all around the space to receive the energy from the Sun so that Solar energy generation is not hampered by the carbon emission in the atmosphere. Someday, we will be building Graphic-based Intelligence Script Technology that is capable of communicating between human and celestial beings. We will have wireless communication and technology transfer arrangements with other planets. It is perfectly possible that Yagnas and Poojas performed in the planet earth might be directly received by celestial beings giving the fruits of such actions immediately. Then, we will be back at the same confusion whether it is better to be born in the planet earth for another stint or go to another planet. We will be reviewing the scriptures back again to find out how to control our mind. Unless there is transformation in the human mind to be happy with what we have, there is no solution.

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  9. Uttaraa

    Uttaraa Platinum IL'ite

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    Srama was spooking me with her PMs, since morning, reading my thoughts, feelings, expressions like I've been bugged wirelessly from miles away. Now you you turn up with a post titled 'Andromeda Poodle'. Why startled? I was watching a documentary on galactic collisions and simulation of Milky Way crashing into Andromeda in another 5 billion years. When that happens, we earthlings , and if the cumulative 'punya' equals all the neutrinos in space will be lucky to be hurled at the rear tidal tail to watch this spectacular cosmic cannibalism when the super-massive black hole of Andromeda will absorb matter in Milky Way- bang! your post shoots out of this cosmic soup jolting me.

    Now tell me - where should I search in my house for hidden cameras? This is no ordinary cosmic coincidence I tell you!

    I'm not a big fan of karmic exaltation of striving to be reborn as human in my next life. No way! The cosmic cat traveller appeals me this time! To add to the context, 'Red Dwarf' is a television series which premiered in 80's and syndicated to other channels now [though occasionally a new season is commissioned]. The main protagonists in the show are , forget them, but the most interesting specimen is the CAT, my favourite! Evolved form a pet cat on a mining ship, this species of 'CAT' develops anthropomorphic characteristics spliced with feline habits. Our cat, simply called 'cat' in the series is outrageously funny with his quips. Every since I watched him on the show, I made up my mind not to settle for unexciting human life in the next or any reincarnation henceforth ; even if I run out of 9 chances, I'd still pursue like a cat trying to chase its tail (disintegrating the canine conundrum).

    Cheeniya, I'm no where near kidding on Earth or anywhere, your post has reinforced my mission to stretch those receding claws and if not here? Andromeda!! Here I come wagging my tail before you swallow us all in the next billion years.

    Your post plucked a hair, ripped a deal and purred my imagination to think wild! Brilliant post, perhaps one of those posts right from Hubble to Tendulkar I was scratching and rolling in laughter.
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  10. Srama

    Srama Finest Post Winner

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    Shhhh...Uttaraa....have I not been spooking myself too? Now the cat is out of the box, not your CAT or even that Schrodinger's (JAG's) Cat but my humble sheepish cat :)

    Speaking of cats, and going way off at a tangent my favorite cat is Salem from Sabrina the teenage witch! Sir, perhaps cats in the worlds you speak of even speak and cause wars like the way salem did and was condemned to come to earth. Oops did I raise a thought that may be condemned beings come down? now, time to :hide:
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