Posting content in IL taken from other places - Reminder!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Induslady, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear IL'ites,

    A few clarification regarding posting content in IL that are taken from other places.

    1. Any post that is 100% taken from another source (like other sites or those circulating in emails) - regardless of the importance of that topic - should be posted only in the Forwarded Messages forum. Even while doing so, you need to adhere to the copyright policy of the content owner.

    2. You can quote portions of an article or blog and post it in other sub-forums only if you surround that quote with your own commentary or point of view on that topic. Even when quoting portions, please comply to the copyright policy of the content owner.

    3. Do not post a whole article or blog post. Instead, link to it. Even when doing so, you need to surround that link with your own commentary or point of view on that. If you are just posting a link without any commentary, please do so in the Forwarded Messages forum.

    4. Do not post content taken from other sites or those circulating in emails in your blogs here. Your blog space here in IL is for your own writings. is a place where you share your thoughts, your ideas, your opinions and your expertise in your own words. That's what makes us a community. Thank you everyone in advance for making a note of the above and adhering to it.

    P.S - Please see FAQ below.
    GeetaKashyap likes this.

  2. Induslady

    Induslady Administrator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Re: Posting content from other places - Reminder!


    Why this announcement?
    1. Last week, two content owners notified us that their content is placed in our site in violation of their copyright policies. We removed those content. We want to avoid such situations.
    2. When content taken from elsewhere is posted, it clutters the forum and crowds-out real conversation between our members.
    3. There are a lot of new members in our site and we want to make sure that the copyright expectations are set correctly.
    4. We all agree that when someone toils to produce original content, we need to 100% abide by the rights of that owner. There are no gray lines there. This is a crucial policy and we want to reiterate to all our members.

    Is it not enough if we give credit by just quoting/mentioning the source?
    No. Some copyright owners don't want their content to be reproduced elsewhere, regardless of whether you credit them or not. The best is to read and comply with the copyright policy of the content owner or ask him/her prior permission before reproducing their content here in IL.

    But the content that I am copy/pasting here is really useful to our members..
    We are sure that content is useful and valuable. However, our members are savvy enough to use Google and they will find the information that they are looking for.
    GeetaKashyap and mathangikkumar like this.

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