Cucumbers and Lemons

Cucumbers have long since known to be the best kind of cooling food. If you consume a few pieces daily, it will definitely keep away upset stomachs and summer illnesses and bugs. Try to chill the cucumber before eating it so that it tastes better.

You can decorate it with various kinds of seasoning to add more flavour to it.

 It isn’t exactly a delicious thought to consume a whole lemon, but by keeping a piece in your mouth for a few minutes when out in the sun, it can help you stay hydrated and fresh.

Let’s Not Forget Water

No food would be right enough if you don’t have enough water. Summer is the time to focus on your thirst! You will always find yourself thirsty this season. So be sure to keep drinking cooling beverages, juices and water throughout.

While doing so avoid sugar coated drinks because they may affect your blood sugar eventually causing low energy levels.