4 – Keetaa pathangaa mas(h)akaashcha vrikshaaha
Jalae sthalae ae nivasanthu jeevaaha
Dhrishtvaa pradeepam na cha janma bhaajo
Bhavanthi nithyam svachaahi vipraaha

Learned people say that by seeing the brightly lit deepam, insects, birds, reptiles, trees and plants, all living things residing in water and light can be permanently liberated from bondages due to that particular janma.

The flame is fed on the oil of clear devotion and enlivened by the breeze of intense love of contemplation on the Lord. The wick is the intellect strengthened by impressions of strivings to cultivate the right values. This is the spiritual significance of a deepam compared to an electric light which can only remove darkness. Like the flame burning upwards, our knowledge must take us towards higher ideals.

With a single deepam, we can light many more lights. But the original lamp does not diminish when helping to light others. This shows that our knowledge does not decrease when we share it with others. The clarity and conviction increase on giving and so the giver and receiver are both benefitted. A better, more beautiful explanation for lighting a deepam, cannot be given !

Let us not overly bother about whether we should light 2 or 5 faces, use oil or ghee – these are all minor things and to one’s liking and convenience.

Let me close with a beautiful quote of Swami Chinmayananda:
Which else shall beautify a home
But the flame of a lovely lamp
Which else shall adorn the mind
But the light of wisdom deep ?