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Nature's Best Friend

Discussion in 'Stories (Fiction)' started by Poetlatha, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. Poetlatha

    Poetlatha Platinum IL'ite

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    My Sweet Little Bluebird - (Kingfisher)

    image.jpg Once upon a time there was a little girl named Shree who was always in sync with Nature. She lived in a beautiful house with lots of plants,trees and also a well without water but a motor in her backyard. The well was a house to the beautiful kingfisher. Shree nicknamed the Kingfisher as blue bird, for its vibrant blue feathers. This beautiful bird’s plumes were nice blue in color, the side of the body was brown in color, the the throat and chest was white in color, with a long and pointed red color beak and red color legs. Shree usually sat under the almond tree and studied for her exams. This blue bird used to settle down on a nice branch in front of the girl and greeted her in its language and also raised its neck and nodded, and expressed itself as if it was talking to the little girl. Shree used to mimic like the bird and also imitated the neck movement, it is their friendly greeting to each other. They both loved each other's company, whenever Shree came out of the house this blue bird will be there to greet her. A beautiful blue bird friendship grew among them. They spent lots of time together in the garden. Years passed by, Shree grew into a young lady and later got married and had settled in her husband’s house. The bluebird missed her. Sometimes Shree would think about the blue bird and all her other friends in the garden. She missed them too. But the bird still dwelled in the well. Once in two years the bluebirds friend used to visit and they would still communicate with each other like good old times. After few years, the well also got demolished by the new owner's of the property and no more blue bird family lived there. Shree was very sad at the thought that she would miss seeing the bluebird. But when she visited her mother’s house that summer she was surprised to see the bluebird visiting her, maybe it came for one last time to say goodbye to the sweet little friend. Since the well was no more it didn't reside there, but from somewhere the blue bird visited her whenever she went home.

    More stories will continue...

  2. jskls

    jskls IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Latha
    Remember reading this story earlier. Not sure where though. Good one. Keep contnuing. Thats a lovely bird
  3. Poetlatha

    Poetlatha Platinum IL'ite

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    suryakala, kaniths, Goodgod and 2 others like this.
  4. Poetlatha

    Poetlatha Platinum IL'ite

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    Thanks @jskls : I thought i posted only about my coconut tree. I'm not sure whether I posted this one. I'm compiling my stories with pictures for you all. I think ninga unga nyana dhristhiyil paditheergal yendru ninaikirane. You knew what was coming. Telepathic, clairvoyant, etc...thank you dear for your fb.
    jskls likes this.
  5. Lathasv

    Lathasv IL Hall of Fame

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    @Poetlatha :)
    Nice story on blue bird. Hope the bird will visit Shree somewhere . :)
    Poetlatha likes this.
  6. Goodgod

    Goodgod IL Hall of Fame

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    @Poetlatha ...Good Start ! Very touching story indeed !
    Poetlatha likes this.
  7. periamma

    periamma IL Hall of Fame

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    Latha well narrated .your description of the Blue bird's body is awesome.Lovely story .Expecting more stories

    kankalil ekkaththudan
    yaarai kaana thudikkiraai
    Alagiya Neelap Paravaiye
    sreeram, jskls and Poetlatha like this.
  8. Poetlatha

    Poetlatha Platinum IL'ite

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    Last edited: Jun 8, 2016
  9. Rajiv

    Rajiv Gold IL'ite

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    Good one..keep writing...
    Poetlatha likes this.
  10. Poetlatha

    Poetlatha Platinum IL'ite

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    Jickey and Mickey: My sweet little chicks
    image.jpg One hot summer day, a street vendor was selling on a bicycle with his bamboo twined basket full of painted little chickens. It was pathetic to see them painted in bright pink,green, blue colors they did this either to attract the customers or to keep them away from the eagles. And our little friend Shree was pestering her mother to buy two chicks as pets to play. As her mom couldn't refuse anymore, she got her two cute little chicks.
    Shree named them Jickey and Mickey. Everyday the little girl gave them a bath. The paint got washed away and the two chicks looked as white as snow. She used to use some gentle soap and wash them thoroughly. They used to shiver as they were wet and cold. Shree wrapped them with the towel and patted them dry. Then she took them to the terrace to dry them in the sun and brought them down and switched on the fan for their feathers to fluff up. She fancied in looking at their feathers pure white and also used some nice talcum powder on them so they would smell good. This was her way of taking care of them with so much love and affection.
    Everyday when she came back from school, these two little chicks came flying to her and one would sit on her shoulder and the other on her head. Shree had so much fun in bringing them up. She was very disappointed when both of them turned out to be a rooster. Because she really wanted them to be one male and the other female so they can have a family of their own and she will get lots of chicks to play. But as they grew they started fighting and then the girl couldn’t bear to watch them fight, so she gave it to the person who came to tend their garden.

    The gardener has seen the way Shree has taken care of Jickey and Mickey. So he didn’t want to eat the chicken and hence gave it to his neighbors. It was about a week or so, Shree was missing them so much. Shree used to enquire about Jickey and Mickey to her gardener. He said he saw them once in the neighbor's yard when he passed by their house. And didn't see them later and didn't want to know about them, because he couldn't bear to hear that they ate it. Probably as he didn't ask them somebody would have had a nice feast. The little girl really missed Jickey and Mickey and wrote a small poem in memory of them. Whenever she sees a picture of chickens or real chicks in the farm, she is reminded of her Jickey and Mickey.

    Jickey and Mickey

    Feathery, boney, fleshy, fellows
    Two of you, always together
    Oh lovely chicks
    I loved you so much and do still
    Covered you with feathers
    Fed you not only food but love and affection
    Yes you two loved me so much too
    Flew over me whenever I entered home after school
    Played with me, gave me company, made me happy,
    I took care of you, as I would take care of my kids
    Fresh were you both bathed daily, dried you in sunlight and breeze
    Happy to see you both with fluffy Snow White feathers
    Showered powder and made you smell good
    Cared you, loved you, caressed you and kissed you
    Born after me, left before me
    I bear the sweet days, spent with you
    So precious are you both to me
    Lovey dovey more than my kids
    I love you forever my sweet little chicks!

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