Tantalising Pachadis & Salads for the weight-watchers

Discussion in 'Ask ChitVish' started by Chitvish, Aug 29, 2005.

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  1. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dangar pachadi - let us not forget tradition

    Dangar Pachadi – let us not forget tradition

    This is a traditional , very tasty raita , almost forgotten now.

    Urad dhal 1 ½ tbsp

    Green chillies 2

    Jeera ½ tsp

    Thick curds 1 cup

    Salt, hing powder

    To temper in 1/2 tsp oil:

    Mustard seed ½ tsp

    Curry leaves few

    Chopped coraiander leaves to garnish

    Lightly roast the dhal dry & powder as fine as possible. Mix this into the beaten curds with chopped green chillies , salt , hing & jeera lightly crushed with fingers ( to release the aroma ). Temper & garnish.

    Some powder the dhal raw & make this – the choice is yours.

    Last edited: Sep 12, 2009

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    1. ashwini999
  2. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Milakaai Pachadi

    Milakaai Pachadi

    This can be made to sauce consistency & preserved in the fridge for 10 days.

    Chopped green chillies 1 cup

    Chopped capsicum 1 cup

    Chopped ginger 1/4 cup

    Curry leaves few

    Tamarind lemon size -make 1 1/2 cup tamarind water

    Jaggery lemon size

    To temper:

    Oil 1 tbsp

    Mustard 1 tsp

    Uradh dhal 1 tsp

    Methi seeds ½ tsp

    Hing powder ½ tsp

    Salt , haldi .

    Heat oil (1 tbsp ) temper mustard, udad dhal, little methi seeds, hing – add the Chillies, capsicum, ginger & curry leaves & fry for a few mts.

    Then add tamarind water, salt, haldi & boil well for about 10 mts.

    Strain in soup strainer.

    Mash the residue slightly, add strained water, jaggery & boil.

    If the consistency is not like sauce , add a little rice flour with water & give a boil.

    This goes very well with curd rice & dosai.

    If you use a mincer for chopping the vegetables , there is no need to strain & mash.

    milakai pachadi.JPG
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2016
  3. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Cabbage Salad

    Cabbage Salad

    An everyday salad.

    Fresh white cabbage 250 gms
    Tomatoes 2

    Paneer chopped ½ cup

    Roasted peanuts ½ cup

    Capsicum 1 medium

    Grated coconut ¼ cup(optional)

    Green chillies 2

    Coriander leaves 2 tbsp

    Salt, lime juice & sugar

    Shred cabbage thin &fine.

    Chop paneer & capsicum.

    Deseed tomatoes & chop.

    Crush peanuts coarse.

    Slit green chillies lengthwise.

    Mix all ingredients from cabbage to chillies.

    Gently mix salt, sugar & lime juice.

    Sprinkle chopped coriander leaves on top.

    Serve chilled.

    cabbage salad-s.JPG
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2016
  4. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Palak-Kaddu Raita

    Palak-kaddu Raita
    Kaddu is Yellow pumpkin or parangikkai or mathan.
    These two vegetables complement each other so well in this dish !

    Palak , roughly chopped 2cups

    Kaddu cut into small cubes 1 cup

    Black salt ½ tsp

    Roasted jeera powder ½ tsp

    Chilli powder 1 tsp

    Fresh,thick curds 2 cups

    Salt &sugar to taste.

    Clean & roughly chop palak leaves.

    Cut kaddu into small cubes and steam for 5 mins.

    Heat 1 tsp oil or ghee & lightly fry the chopped palak leaves , till they shrink well.

    Mix both & lightly mash with a potato masher till they become homogeneous.

    To the above , add spices , salt , sugar & curds

    Mix well & chill.

    Serve with Bisibela , stuffed parathas etc.
    palak-kaddu raitha.jpg

    Last edited: May 5, 2009
  5. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Carrot & Date Salad

    Carrot & date Salad

    This simple salad looks nice & tastes very good.

    Freshly grated carrots - 2 cups

    Chopped seedless dates - ½ cup

    Coarsely powdered peanuts - 2 tbsp

    Lime juice - 2 tsp

    Honey - 1 tbsp

    Freshly powdered pepper – 1 level tsp


    Gently mix all ingredients except peanuts & salt & chill very well.

    Just before serving add salt , mix gently & sprinkle peanuts on top.
    carrot-date salad.jpg
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2008
  6. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Kamala , My Honey !

    Kamala , my honey !

    This is a sweet & sour pachadi.
    Oranges are called Kamala in South India.
    Particularly the lose jacket variety is ideal.

    Medium sized oranges - 3 (or 2 big )

    Tamarind paste - 2 tbsp

    Green chillies-slit into two - 3,4

    Red chillies - 3,4

    Honey - 4 tbsp ( jaggery can be substituted )

    Salt , haldi ,

    hing powder - ½ tsp

    methi powder - ½ tsp

    Oil - 3tbsp

    Peel the oranges . Chop the fruit into big pieces.

    Take the skin , scrape as much of the white portion as possible to remove the bitterness & cut remaining skin into pieces.

    Heat the oil , temper with mustard , add red & green chillies , fry for 1 mte & add chopped pieces of the skin.

    Fry till they start shrinking well.

    Mix tamarind paste with 1 cup of water & add to the above.

    Add salt , haldi , hing powder , methi powder & boil well.

    When well cooked , add fruit pieces , simmer & remove from fire.

    Add honey & mix thoroughly.

    The consistency should be like sauce.

    Jaggery , if added instead of honey , gives an equally good taste.Chillies & sweetness can be adjusted to individual taste.

    This goes very well with idli , dosa & curd rice..This can be preserved in the fridge for a week.

  7. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Mathan Puli Pachadi , ideal to go with Kerala Mulakootal.

    Mathan Puli Pachadi or Yellow Pumpkin Kadugu Pachadi

    Mathan is yellow parangikkai ( pumpkin )or kaddu

    Mathan cut into very small cubes - 1 cup

    Tamarind paste - 2 tsp

    Salt , haldi , jaggery to taste

    To grind:

    Grated coconut - 3 tbsp

    Green chillies - 2-3 (to taste )

    Mustard seeds - 1tsp

    To temper:

    Coconut oil - 1 tsp

    Mustard seeds - ½ tsp

    Curry leaves - few

    Boil mathan cubes with salt & haldi.

    Grind coconut & green chillies first fine & lastly add mustard seeds & grind coarse.

    Add the paste to the boiled vegetables & add jaggery as per taste.

    Simmer , remove & temper.

    Grinding mustard seeds with the paste gives a unique flavour to this dish.

  8. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Nethu kottu mavu Pachadi

    Nethuk kottu maavu pachadi

    Tur dhal 1 ½ tbsp

    Red chillies 2

    Hing powder ¼ tsp

    Fresh curds 1 cup

    Mustard seeds ½ tsp

    Curry leaves few

    Chopped coriander few


    Oil 1 tsp

    In 1 /2 tsp oil fry red chilli , tur dhal &hing till colour changes.

    Powder & add with salt to the churned curds.

    Temper mustard & curry leaves in ½ tsp oil.

    Garnish with coriander leaves.
  9. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Bread & bean Salad - this is the one & only Tarla Dalal's !

    Bread Loaf - 1

    Baked beans - 1 large can (450 gms)

    Green Chutney - 4-5 tbsp

    For decoration:

    Grated Carrots & cabbage - 2 cups

    Apple sliced - 1

    Walnuts - few

    To be mixed into a dressing:

    Condensed milk - ¼ can(of a 400 gms full can)

    Salad oil - ½ tbsp

    White vinegar - 2 tbsp

    Salt - ¼ tsp

    Milk - 1 tbsp

    Lemon juice - 1 tsp

    Mustard powder - ½ tsp

    Removethe crust from bread slices.

    Divide each slice into 2 & apply chutney on one side.

    Fill a serving plate with bread slices, placing the chutney side on the bottom.

    Spread the baked beans on the bread pieces.

    Spread the dressing on the beans.

    Decorate with grated carrots & cabbage on the sides. Put apple slices in the centre & sprinkle walnuts on top.

    Serve cold.

    Note : If you are in a hurry, you can use mayonnaise as a dressing in place of the above.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2016
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  10. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Curd Tower surrounded by Stuffed Cucumber Slices

    For the tower:

    Gelatine - 2 tbsp

    Water - ¼ cup

    Thick curds - 2 cups

    Cucumber grated - ½ cup

    Salt & pepper

    Mix gelatine in warm water, dissolve, add all other ingredients & set in a TALL WET jelly mould.

    For stuffing cucumber:

    2 big cucumbers 8” long

    Paneer - 1 cup (soft crumbs)

    Malai - 2 tbsp

    Grated coconut - 3 tbsp

    Lime juice - 1 tbsp

    Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp

    Lemon colour - few drops

    Peel cucumber &with a penknife & back of a spoon, carefully scoop out the entire soft portion with seeds from the centre to make a hollow.

    Prepare the stuffing & divide into 2.

    Add lemon colour to one part.

    Fill yellow stuffing in one & white in the other.

    Chill them well.

    Take out, cut horizontal slices & refrigerate.

    Just before serving, unmould the tower, surround that by cucumber slices.
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