• Citrus Oil

Citrus oil can be prepared at home or can also be bought from a medicinal store. Spray citrus oil on your plants regularly. This will help to keep the pest away to a very large extent.

Making Organic Compost

Organic Composting is a natural phenomenon; it is a type of decomposing process, a process whose activity will dole out some good effects to your garden. This process of organic composting is rather monitored; it does not simply mean piling up the kitchen remains on your garden lawn. Before adding waste to your decomposing list, you must answer certain questions pertaining to their quality and source.

The key factors that one should take care of include the quality of the product, whether it is bio-degradable, the source of the products, which includes the destination from where they have been sourced; and whether the ingredients have sort of toxins or harmful chemicals in them.

To give you a quick glimpse into the good ingredients here are a few suggestions that we have for you as ideal composts.

  1. Algae from aquariums add a lot of nitrogen and moisture.
  2. Another nitrogen booster is chicken and dead plants in the house.
  3. Your kitchen leftovers and scrap from the stove platform and set on the lawn for some good manure.
  4. However, please do remember that weeds cannot be decomposed.
  5. Like weeds, there are certain other browns that one should be careful about because they take a long time to decompose. These include straws, pines along with twigs and pruning.
  6. Please do make a separate composting area on the side of your garden and monitor that regularly to get your organic fertilizer.

Take Care of Your Garden: Part 1, Basic Garden Maintenance Tips

Take Care of Your Garden Part – 2, Indoor Gardening

Take Care of Your Garden: Part 4, Tips to Make Your Garden Conducive For Vegetable Growth

Take Care of Your Garden: Part 5, How to Decorate your Garden

Take Care of Your Garden: Part 6, How to Maintain a Terrace Garden?